Sentence Structures
Similar Words
Dangling Modifiers

 While the experiment yielded promising results, further analysis is necessary to determine the long-term implications of the findings.

Complex: Here, we have a complex sentence with an independent clause ("the experiment yielded promising results") and a dependent clause ("further analysis is necessary to determine the long-term implications of the findings"). The dependent clause provides additional information about the results of the experiment, indicating that more investigation is required to fully understand their significance.


Identify the prepositional phrase(s) in the following sentence. 

The professor conducted research on the effects of social media on mental health.


 "on the effects of social media on mental health"

 This prepositional phrase provides additional information about the research, specifying what the research was about. It begins with the preposition "on" and includes the object "the effects of social media on mental health," which is a noun phrase that further describes the focus of the research.


Will you (accept, except) my apology?



  • 1.consent to receive (a thing offered):"he accepted a pen as a present"

Which is the correct way to write the following sentence?

Working diligently for a month, the painting was finally ready to be displayed.

A. After working diligently for a month, the landscape painting was ready to be displayed finally.

B. After working diligently for a month, the artist was finally ready to display the painting.

C. The painting was finally ready to be displayed after working diligently for a month.

B. After working diligently for a month, the artist was finally ready to display the painting.


Central Idea:

 In today's rapidly evolving world, education plays a crucial role in preparing students for the future. It equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to new technologies and industries. Furthermore, education instills in students a sense of innovation and creativity, preparing them to tackle complex challenges and contribute positively to society.

A. Education is positive but challenging.

B. Education prepares students for the future. 

C. Education allows people to be creative. 

B. Education prepares students for the future.


The professor's lecture captivated the entire class.


Simple: This sentence is straightforward and consists of a single independent clause ("The professor's lecture captivated the entire class"). It presents a clear and concise statement without additional clauses or complex structures.


What is the prepositional phrase in the following sentence?

The girl in the white hat finally found her notebooks and pencils after she looked all day long.

A. found her notebooks and pencils
B. after she looked
C. in the white hat
D. all day long

C. in the white hat


I (advise/advice) you to seek professional advice before making any major financial decisions.

Advise (Verb)


Correct the following sentence with a dangling modifier. 

After finishing the assignment, the computer crashed, causing frustration for hours.

  • The introductory phrase "After finishing the assignment" is meant to modify the subject "I" (or another appropriate subject), suggesting that the action of finishing the assignment led to the subsequent event of the computer crashing. However, the sentence structure suggests that the computer finished the assignment, leading to a misinterpretation of the intended meaning.

Central Idea:

Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's a journey that transforms individuals and societies. It equips individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world. Additionally, education fosters personal growth and development, shaping individuals into critical thinkers and lifelong learners. 

A. Education is a transformative journey. 

B. Education has negative complexities.

C. Education is for seniors' growth and development. 

A. Education is a transformative journey


 I excel in both academics and extracurricular activities; however, balancing both requires careful time management and dedication.

Compound: This sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction "however," which shows a relationship between contrasting ideas. It highlights the dual nature of excelling in academics and extracurricular activities, emphasizing the need for effective time management and dedication.


What is the dependent clause in the following sentence. 

While the construction workers labored tirelessly to complete the project on time, the unexpected delays caused frustration among the project managers, so they organized daily meetings to address the issues promptly.

The dependent clause in this complex-compound sentence is "While the construction workers labored tirelessly to complete the project on time." This clause provides context for the subsequent events by explaining what the construction workers were doing.

  • She couldn't (bear/beard) the thought of leaving her dog behind.


Bear (verb): to support, carry, or endure.


Which sentence contains a misplaced modifier?

A.) In the laboratory, the scientists conducted meticulous experiments to analyze the chemical properties of the newly synthesized compound.

B.) Despite the challenging circumstances, the students persevered and completed their research project ahead of schedule.

C.) Walking through the forest, the trees seemed to whisper secrets to Sarah. 

D.) She tends to lose her keys frequently due to her loose pockets. 

Explanation: The participle phrase "Walking through the forest" is intended to modify the subject "Sarah," suggesting that she is the one walking. However, the structure of the sentence implies that the trees are the ones walking, leading to confusion.


Examples, facts, statistics, quotes, and explanations that an author includes in their writing 

A. Structure

B. Tone

C. Detail

D. Summarizing


C. Detail


Despite facing numerous challenges during the project, the team successfully met all deadlines, but they acknowledged the need for ongoing improvements in future endeavors.

Complex-compound: This sentence combines both complex and compound structures. It contains two independent clauses ("the team successfully met all deadlines" and "they acknowledged the need for ongoing improvements in future endeavors") connected by a coordinating conjunction "but," indicating a contrast between the team's success and their recognition of areas for improvement. Additionally, the first independent clause includes a dependent clause ("Despite facing numerous challenges during the project"), adding complexity to the sentence structure.


Identify the dependent clause in the following complex sentence. 

As the semester progressed, students found themselves grappling with increasingly complex concepts, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

As the semester progressed


Is the texture of the jacket you’re wearing smooth or (coarse/course)?


Coarse: (adjective) texture that feels rough, not smooth


Correct the following sentence with a dangling modifier. 

 Being in a rush, the door was left wide open.  (explain).

  • Explanation: The phrase "Being in a rush" is intended to describe the person who left the door open, but it is placed next to "the door," suggesting that the door itself was in a rush.

Present one central idea from a text we read in Unit 5.

Write down the title of the text, author's name, and one central idea. 

Answers may vary.


Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the university implemented innovative solutions to ensure students could continue their education effectively.

  • This complex sentence includes an independent clause ("the university implemented innovative solutions") and a dependent clause ("Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic").

Determine the prepositional phrase in the following sentence.

Despite the late hour, Emma continued studying for her exams, but she eventually decided to take a short break to recharge her energy by grabbing a snack from the kitchen.

 In this complex-compound sentence, the independent clauses ("Emma continued studying for her exams" and "she eventually decided to take a short break to recharge her energy") are connected by the coordinating conjunction "but." The first independent clause includes a dependent clause ("Despite the late hour"), contributing to the complexity. Furthermore, the prepositional phrase "from the kitchen" specifies the location of Emma's break, adding detail to the sentence structure.


Her (Advise/advice) on time management was invaluable in helping me achieve my goals.

advice (noun)


Sleeping, the heavy rainstorm passing through was not heard.

Which of the following is a dangling modifier in the sentence above? 

A. passing through 

B. not heard 

C. Sleeping 

D. heavy 

C. Sleeping


Central Idea:

"Science is both a body of knowledge and a process of discovery. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines that seek to understand the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis. Through science, we can uncover the mysteries of the universe and develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Science also teaches us critical thinking skills, helping us to evaluate information, make informed decisions, and adapt to an ever-changing world."

  1. Science is a body of knowledge and a process of discovery.
  2. Science teaches critical thinking skills and helps us adapt to change.