Jesus Christ
The Vine
God's work in believers life to help them GROW
Outward ______ or good conduct can never replace a relationship with Christ.
Obedience/ Action
Jesus taught that ______ is revealed by speech and conduct
The rich young ruler asked the wrong questions. Why?
People can't DO anything to earn eternal life.
The Spirit of God
Doing good things, bringing others to Christ, and growing in Christlikeness
Material possessions bring no lasting _____
A pupil or learner following his teacher
What was the rich young rulers problem?
He was too self righteous to admit his sin
Christ Followers
his Sheep
In John 10 about Shepherds and sheep, Jesus contrasts..
____ Involves changing your mind about your sin
What will Jesus do if you deny him
He will deny you in front of his Father
In Jesus' story about the rich man and Lazarus, why did Abraham say he wouldn't send Lazarus to warn the rich man's family
Those who wont believe God's words wont be persuaded by a miracle
Good works
What is a barrier of discipleship?
Scared of what people might think/ Reputation
God is just. Everyone who goes to hell deserves to, so we shouldn't accuse God of _____
It is not important who prays but
Who we are praying to
The day after Jesus fed the 5,000, He rebuked the crowd for their _______
Food that Endures
What was the reference of our scripture memory Verse this Unit?
James 1:22 and 25
Praying until you get an answer takes ______
Jesus taught that in the judgement people will be held accountable not only for their deeds (actions) but also for
every word
From Jesus' prayer in John 17 we learn that Christians should be separated from the world. What does this mean?
Not be involved in evil