Sports Vocabulary
Future Simple/Future Continuous
Linking Words

Match the words to the pictures:

Goal, Crowd, Team, Field

1. Crowd

2. Field

3. Team

4. Goal


True or False:

Future Continuous uses will+ be + (verb)-ing to talk about plans or events which will be in progress at a specific time in the future.


Future Continuous uses will+ be + (verb)-ing

Future Perfect Simple uses will + have + verb (past participle) and talks about plans or events that have a specific end time.


Tell me the translation of these linking words in English:

Edhe pse

Nga ana tjeter..



Edhe pse = Although

Nga ana tjeter = On the other hand

Megjithatë/Mirëpo = However

Prandaj = Therefore


How many conditionals do we have in English?

a) 5

b) 3

c) 4

d) 7

We have four conditionals!

Zero, First, Second, and Third


Name this person:

This is Albert Einstein.


Which word doesn't belong:

championship, tournament, succeed, finals

Succeed doesn't belong. Championship, tournament, and finals are types of competitions.


Fill in the blank with Future Continuous:

"will + be + verb (ing)"

"The children __________ (not clean) their bedroom tomorrow morning because they will be at school."

"The children will not be cleaning their bedroom tomorrow morning because they will be at school."


Which of these linking words do we use to show results?

(Therefore, In conclusion, Despite, As a result, In addition, Firstly)

"Therefore" and "As a result" talk about results.

"In conclusion" = Summary

"Despite" = Contrast

"Firstly" = Order

"In addition" = Information


True or False:

Zero conditional uses the present simple in both clauses:

 "If a football player is shown a red card, he leaves the pitch."


Zero conditional only uses the present simple to talk about results of an action that are always true.


Who hosted the 2018 Fifa World Cup, and which team won?

The 2018 World Cup was held in Moscow, Russia, and France won.


Name four types of places where people play sports.


Pitch, field, court, course, track, rink, arena, stadium, pool, ring (boxing)...


Use the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentence with Future Perfect Simple:

"By the year 2080, we _______ (built) a colony on Mars."

"By the year 2080, we will have built a colony on Mars."


Combine these sentences using linking words:

"Competitive sports can be fun. Sometimes people take things too seriously." (contrast)

"Competitive sports can be fun, however/despite this/although/on the other hand, sometimes people take things too seriously."


Which answer is first conditional:

a) "You would be healthier if you exercised more."

b) "If my team wins the match, I'll be happy!"

c) "They could have won if their best player hadn't been sick that day."

First conditional is: b)

a) is Second Conditional

c) is Third Conditional


Who painted this picture?

Vincent Van Gogh painted this picture, "Starry Night," in 1889.


Finish the sentence with the right phrasal verb:

(call off, kick off, cheer on)

"My mom always comes to my games to __________ when I play basketball."

"The match _________ at 2 pm, so I want to be home by 1:30."

"It rained a lot this morning, so they had to _______ the game until tomorrow."

"My mom always comes to my games to cheer me on when I play basketball."

"The match kicks off at 2 pm, so I want to be home by 1:30."

"It rained a lot this morning, so they had to call off the game until tomorrow."


Choose the correct grammar tense in the sentence:

"In the year 3000, many people (will be living / will have lived) in space, particularly on the moon colony."

"In the year 3000, many people will be living in space, particularly on the moon colony."


Fill in the blank with the correct linking word and tell me why you used that word:

"I woke up late, ________ I missed the bus to school!"

"I woke up late, therefore/consequently/as a result I missed the bus to school!"

These linking words demonstrate results. Because I woke up late, I missed the bus.


Finish this sentence with Second Conditional (results of an action):

"If I _____ an Olympic medal, I _______ famous!" (won/be)

"If I won an Olympic medal, I would be famous!"

Name these 6 countries and then tell me where they're located in the world.

These countries are in Asia/East Asia.


Change these sentences using phrasal verbs:

(call off, warm up, go down as, cheer on, wear out)

"England will never be thought of as the best football team."

"It's a good idea to stretch before the game starts."

"My football cleats are starting to get old -- I need to get new ones."

"England will never go down as as the best football team."

"It's a good idea to warm up before the game starts."

"My football cleats are starting to wear out --I need to get new ones."


Change the first sentence into Future Perfect Simple and the second into Future Continuous:

"I will live in America for six years by 2030".

"The company will build the new skyscraper next summer."

Future Perfect Simple:

"By 2030, I will have lived in America for six years."

Future Continuous:

"The company will be building the new skyscraper next summer."


Use linking words (order) to put these sentences in the right order:

1. "_____, we should have fewer classes because less classes means more free time."

2. "______, my main point is that students should have fewer classes during the week."

3. "______, research shows that students who have more free time are well-rested and perform better in class."

1. Firstly, my main point is that students should have fewer classes during the week.

2. Secondly, we should have fewer classes because less classes means more free time.

3. Thirdly, research shows that students who have more free time are well-rested and perform better in class.


Match the conditional to its rule:

Zero                past perfect tense + would + have + past participle

First                    past tense + would + infinitive

Second                present tense + will + infinitive

Third                   present simple + present simple

Zero                    present simple + present simple

First                    present tense + will + infinitive

Second                past tense + would + infinitive

Third                past perfect tense + would + have + past participle


Can you name this landmark, where it's located, and which country gave it to the United States as a gift?

This is the Statue of Liberty, which is in New York City. It was gifted to the United States in 1886 from France to celebrate our 100th anniversary as a country.