obrovský a špinavý
huge/ giant and dirty
jít spát brzy
go to bed early
Jeho sestra cvičí dvakrát týdně.
His sister does exercise twice a week.
How often do her friend read English books?
strmý/ příkrý a blátivý
steep and muddy
jednou týdně
once a week
hrát si venku a jíst ovoce a zeleninu
play outside and eat fruit and vegetables
Moje maminka si myje ruce osmkrát denně.
My mum washes her hands eight times a day.
Our children doesn't eat vegetables every day.
plochý a úzký
flat and narrow
čtyřikrát denně
four times a day
chodit k zubaři a rybařit
go to the dentist and go fishing
Jak často chodíš brzy spát?
How often do you go to bed early?
Her brother does karate five time a month.
five times
snadný a světlý
easy and light
výtvarničit a cvičit
do art and do exercise
Jak často chodí tvůj děda k zubaři?
How often does your grandpa go to the dentist?
Does your father go to the bed early?
to bed
pečlivý / pozorný a důležitý
careful and important
dvakrát ročně
twice a year
dělat karate a hrát volejbal
do karate and play volleyball
Jeho kamarád nikdy necvičí o víkendu.
His friens never does exercise at the weekend.
Their son goes swimming in the night.
at night