Name the 3 factors on why the Industrial Revolution began.
Agriculture Revolution
Population Explosion
Energy Revolution
Define Imperialism
A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
Who devired Capitalism?
Adam Smith
The population shift from a rural to urban
areas and the ways in which societies adapt to
this change.
The ideas that Adam Smith introduced in the Wealth of Nations explained the success of
What Raw Materials were mainly used during the Industrial Revolution?
Coal , Iron , Good Harbors, and Rivers
Describe the Europeans belief on "White Man's Burden"
Teacher Discretion
Name the Inventor of the Steam Boat
Robert Fulton
Individuals sell their labour power for a wage
or salary.
Which statement would Adam Smith's theory of laissez faire most likely
Government should interfere as little as possible in the economy.
Select the examples for the term Transportation
A. Railroad
B. Water Wheel
C. Steamboat
D. Antiseptics
A. Railroad
C. Steamboat
What was the reason for European nations invading Africa
They wanted Africa's natural resources such as Diamonds, Rubber, Coal, and Oil.
What impact did James Watt's invention of the Steam Engine have on the Industrial Revolution?
It provided power for manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution
Multi-family housing for the poor typically one
family lives in one room; very crowded.
Tenement Housing
What Economic System did Karl Marx support?
What helped British Framers increase their food production in the 1700s-
Improved farm machines.
What technologies made an impact on the Imperialism Era?
Cannons and Firearms
a multi-spindle machine invented during the
Industrial Revolution by James Hargreaves
Spinning Jenny
The use of a country's financial power to
extend its international influence.
Dollar Diplomacy
A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
In the 19th Century cities, the poor lived
In tenements near the factories
What is Suez Canal?
Teacher Discretion
Who invented a multi-spindle machine invented during the Industrial Revolution that allowed a single worker to spin multiple threads of yarn simultaneously
James Hargreaves
Formal act whereby a state proclaims its
sovereignty over territory hitherto outside its
Karl Marx predicted that communism would one day emerge as the dominate political and economic system. What did he believe would result when his prediction was realized?
A new classless society would emerge, where everyone's needs are met.