Fossilized remains of plants and animals are found in which type of rock?
What is sedimentary?
What is a diamond?
What process breaks down rock over a long period of time?
What is weathering?
What is a type of resource that can be renewed and reused?
What is renewable resource?
Florida produces more of this citrus fruit than any other state.
What are oranges?
You have discovered shells and imprints of shells in a rock from the garden. What type of rock did you find?
What is sedimentary?
Emily cannot scratch a mineral sample with her fingernail, but she observes that she can scratch the mineral sample with a piece of metal. What physical property of the mineral sample is Emily investigating?
What is hardness?
There is a process that happens when rocks and soil are moved from one place to another. What is the name of this process?
What is erosion?
Look at the resources listed below:
Corn, Cow, Gasoline, Sun
Which resource is nonrenewable?
What is gasoline?
What resource, found in Florida, is commonly used to make cement?
What is limestone?
Which type of rock is formed by heat and pressure over time?
What is metamorphic?
A teacher shows her class a mineral called serpentine. She says the mineral is greasy or shiny, but not like glass.
Which property of the mineral is the teacher describing?
What is luster?
What causes weathering by blowing sand to break down rocks?
What is the wind?
Iron ore is found in many places all over the world. However, more of it cannot be formed. What type of resource is iron ore?
What is a non-renewable resource?
Phosphate minerals are mined in Florida.
What is the main use of phosphate?
What is fertilizer?
Your brother found a rock that is black, shiny, and formed by lava. What type of rock did he find?
What is igneous rock?
Danny performs several tests on a mineral to help identify it. He rubbed the rock on a white tile to see if it made a mark. Which property of the mineral will Danny be able to identify using this test?
What is streak color?
What three things can cause both weathering and erosion?
What is wind, water, and ice?
What are the three fossil fuels?
What are coal, oil, and natural gas?
Florida's natural resources serve many different purposes. Which resource is naturally abundant in Florida and is most useful to the electronics industry?
What is silicon?
What process describes how one type of rock can change into a different type of rock?
What is the rock cycle?
Hardness is one quality scientists use to describe a mineral. A teacher gave a student four different mineral samples. The student did scratch tests with some of the samples and discovered the following:
Sample 1 scratched Sample 4.
Sample 2 scratched Sample 1.
Sample 3 scratched Sample 2.
Based on these observations, which mineral sample is the hardest?
What is sample 3?
Earth's physical features are always changing. Valleys are an example of this change. Valleys can be winding and v-shaped or long and u-shaped.
Which factor is the most likely cause of a u-shaped valley?
What is ice or a glacier?
Why is the sun considered a renewable resource?
What is because we can use the energy from the sun to charge solar panels and produce electricity?
Which renewable resource would be more beneficial to people living in Florida than it would be for people living in the northeastern or northwestern parts of the United States?
What is solar?