Kinetic and Potential Energy
Motion and Speed
Gravity and Motion
When a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force, this is accomplished.
What is work? work = force x distance
A vector is a quantity that has both size and direction. Velocity is a vector. Velocity measures direction and this magnitude.
What is speed?
Force, a vector having size and direction, is measured in this unit.
What is a Newton?
A gravitational pull exists between any two objects that have this.
What is mass?
This is the unit we use to measure energy and work.
What is a joule? 1 Joule = 1 Newton x 1 Meter
The old man marched 100 kilometers in 4 days to achieve this average speed.
What is 25 kilometers per day. Average Speed = Distance/Time
The tendency to resist change in motion.
What is inertia?
These two factors affect gravitational force.
What are mass and distance? Gravitational force increases when distance is decreased. Gravitation pull increases when mass is increased.
All objects in motion have kinetic energy. The amount of kinetic energy a moving object possesses depends on these two factors.
What are mass and speed?
The standard unit of length.
What is a meter?
The combination of all forces acting on an object.
What is net force?
An elliptical path one object takes around another object.
What is an orbit?
Many objects have both kinetic and potential energy. For example, an airplane in flight has kinetic energy due to its movement, and potential energy because of its mass and distance from the Earth. The combination of potential and kinetic energy creates this form of energy.
What is mechanical? Mechanical Energy exists in a closed system. Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy Only friction can drain energy from this system. In the presence of friction, mechanical energy is converted into thermal energy.
To achieve this average speed, the old woman ran 3 laps around a 100 meter track. Her first lap took 10 seconds. Her second lap took 20 seconds. Her third lap took 20 seconds.
What is 6 meters per second? Average Speed = Distance/Time
Two common forces. One is a contact force that involves two objects rubbing together. The other acts at a distance and pulls objects down.
What are friction and gravity?
The force of gravity between Earth and any given object is the equivalent to this measurement.
What is weight?
This law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed into other forms of energy.
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
This measures how fast something moves, or how far it moves in a given amount of time.
What is speed?
This is the formula for calculating force.
What is Mass x Acceleration?
A spacecraft and its contents in orbit are in this state. There is no outside force acting on it apart from gravity.
What is free fall?