Who was the first president?
George Washington
Who proposed the 27 admenmants?
James Madison
Who shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel
Aaron burr
Who was the vice president for George Washington?
John Adams
This act made it a crime for people to write or say anything about the president
sedition act
Was Alexander Hamilton a Federalist or a democratic
Which president is with the democratic-republic?
Thomas Jefferson
What's the first amendment?
freedom of speech, religion, press
did alexander hamilton want a national bank?
Yes he did
George Washington secretary of state?
Edmund Randolph
this act had the states have its own laws and courts
judiciary act
did Alexander or Thomas have slaves
Alexander hamilton had slaves
Who selected Thomas Jefferson to be president?
The house of representives
alien act means what?
increased the duration from 5-14 years that person had to live in the U.S to become a citizen
George Washington secretary of treasury
Alexander Hamilton