Amity (n)
friendship; goodwill; friendly relations
Animosity (n)
ill will (usually leading to active opposition); violent hatred; enmity; antagonism
Finis (n)
end; conclusion
Fluid (adj)
not rigid; unchangeable; unstable
Amiable (adj)
likable; good-natured; pleasant and agreeable; obliging
Magnanimous (adj)
showing greatness or nobility of mind; chivalrous; forgiving; generous in overlooking injury or insult
Confine (v)
keep within limits; restrict; limit
Fluent (adj)
ready with a flow of words; speaking or writing easily; articulate; eloquent
Degenerate (v)
sink to a lower class or standard; worsen; deteriorate
Amicable (adj)
Characterized by friendliness rather than antagonism; friendly; neighborly; not quarrelsome
Equanimity (n)
evenness of mind or temper under stress; emotional balance; composure; calmness; equilibrium
Definitive (adj)
serving to end an unsettled manner; conclusive; final
Flux (n)
continuous flow or changing; unceasing change
Progenitor (n)
ancestor to whom a group traces its birth; forefather; forebear
Enamored (adj)
(usually followed by of) inflamed with love; charmed; captivated
Unanimity (n)
oneness of mind; complete agreement
Affinity (n)
(literally, condition of being “near the boundary” or “a neighbor”) kinship; sympathy; liking; attraction
Influx (n)
inflow; inpouring; inrush
Regenerate (v)
cause to be born again; put new life into; reform completely; revive; reinvigorate
Amorous (adj)
strongly moved by love; loving; inclined to love; enamored
Animus (n)
ill will (usually controlled)
Finale (n)
end or final part of a musical composition, opera, play, etc.; conclusion
Fluid (n)
substance that flows
Genre (n)
kind, sort, category
Amateur (n)
(literally, “lover”) 1. Person who follows a particular pursuit as a pastime, rather than as a profession, 2. One who performs rather poorly; inexperienced person
Unanimous (adj)
of one mind; in complete accord
Fluctuate (v)
flow like a wave; move up and down; change often and irregularly; be unsteady
Engender (v)
give birth to; create; generate; produce; cause