Working on my energy
You've got potential
I've got kinetic
Distance vs Time
Need for speed

Defined as the ability to cause change



Energy that is stored

Potential energy 


Energy that is in motion

Kinetic energy


The equation used to calculate average speed

average speed= d/t


defined as the how far something moves in a given amount of time



This is the unit of measurement of energy



True of false: Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy



True or false: Kinetic energy can be converted into potential energy



when an object is not moving at a constant speed, this is a way to calculate the speed of an object over a stretch of time

average speed


What are the two main types of energy?

Potential and kinetic energy


This type of potential energy is present when an object is at its highest point above the ground. 

Gravitational potential energy


opening a door is an example of what form of energy

Kinetic Energy


Which of the following scenarios matches the movement of the graph.

A. Car stopped at a red light for 10 seconds

B. A car traveling at a constant speed of 65 mph for 10 seconds

C. A car slowing down as they reach a stop light 

B. A car traveling at a constant speed of 65 mph for 10 seconds


the units of measurement for speed

meters per second


Mechanical energy is the sum of what two forms of energy?

Kinetic energy and potential energy


Charley is sitting by the lake thinking about his time as a student in middle school. He can't remember the form energy that is present as he sits by the lake. What form of energy does he have?

Potential energy


The amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on the objects __________ and ___________.

Mass and speed


Which of the following scenarios matches the movement of the graph.

A. Car stopped at a red light for 10 seconds

B. A car traveling at a constant speed of 65 mph for 10 seconds

C. A car slowing down as they reach a stop light 

A. Car stopped at a red light for 10 seconds


What does the slope of line of a graph tell you about the speed of an object?

How fast or how slow the object is moving


As the roller coaster moves along the track, the potential energy and kinetic energy fluctuate (goes up and down). However, what type of energy is remains the same

Mechanical energy


What type of potential energy is this an example of?

Spring or elastic potential energy


A car and a motor cycle are traveling on the road at the SAME speed. Which object (car or motorcycle) has more kinetic energy? Give a short explanation for your answer.

The car has more kinetic energy because it is larger in mass.


Which of the following scenarios matches the movement of the graph.

A. Ruby is driving her car when she realizes she is late for work. She starts to increase her speed.

B. A car traveling at a constant speed of 65 mph for 10 seconds

C. A car slowing down as they reach a stop light 

A. Ruby is driving her car when she realizes she is late for work. She starts to increase her speed.


Which object is traveling at a slower speed?

Object C


A bouncy ball is dropped from a height of 100cm. When the ball bouncy back up, it only goes to a height of 70 cm. The reason for this is because some of the balls kinetic energy is transferred to the molecules in the air as well as to the ground with each consecutive bounce. What law of energy is being observed in the bouncy ball.

The conservation of energy


What type of potential energy is found stored in food?

Chemical potential energy


Motorcycle A is traveling at a speed of 80 mph and motorcycle B is traveling at a speed of 50 mph on the road. They both measure 65kg in mass. Which motorcycle is has the least amount of kinetic energy? give a short explanation for your answer.

motorcycle B; because motorcycle B is moving at a slower speed.


Which of the following scenarios matches the movement of the graph.

A. Car stopped at a red light for 10 seconds

B. A car traveling at a constant speed of 65 mph for 10 seconds

C. A car slowing down as they reach a stop light 

C. A car slowing down as they reach a stop light


Which object is traveling the fastest?

Object A