What is sound
Which travels faster, sound or light?
Light travels much faster.
What is a sound wave?
Sound waves move out from a vibrating object, making the air move back and forth in a way that we can’t see
Does sound travel faster through a solid or a gas?
Sound travels faster through a solid.
What are two things needed to make sound?
The two things needed to create sound are something to vibrate and create sound waves and something, like air or another medium, to carry the sound waves.
How fast can light travel?
SOUND, 750 Miles Per Hour
What is one place where sound cannot travel and why is that so?
Outer space is one place sound cannot travel because outer space is a vacuum. Sound needs a medium to carry it and there is no air in a vacuum
How fast can sound travel?
LIGHT, 186,000 Miles Per Second
Through what mediums does sound travel
Answers may vary but should at least include solids, liquids, and/or gases
Which is louder, when you have your head up or when your ear is on the desk?
When your ear is on the desk?