What is the standard form of the number eight hundred twenty-five?
The standard form of eight hundred twenty-five is 825.
Put these numbers in order from least to greatest: 678, 876, 786, 687, 867.
678, 687, 786, 867, 876
Draw a number line that shows 250.
See whiteboard.
What is greater, 345 or 432?
What is the value of the digit 6 in the number 563?
6 tens or 60.
Write the number 650 in expanded form.
The expanded form of 650 is 600 + 50.
Order these numbers from GREATEST to LEAST: 300, 253, 350, 235, 352.
352, 350, 300, 253, 235
My number line starts at 350 and ends at 360 am I counting by ones, tens, or hundreds?
Which number is less, 789 or 765?
Draw a base ten diagram of the number 567.
See chalkboard.
What is the word form of 432?
The word form of 432 is four hundred thirty-two.
Arrange the following numbers in order: 480, 410, 430.
410, 430, 480.
If I start a number line at 400 and end it at 480 what would be the best way to label my tick marks; counting by ones, tens or hundreds?
Counting by tens.
Compare these two numbers: 512 and 512. What can you say?
The numbers are equal.
What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 756?
7 hundred or 700
Write the number 732 in both expanded form and word form.
The number 732 in expanded form is 700 + 30 + 2, and in word form, it is seven hundred thirty-two.
What is the correct order for these numbers, from greatest to least: 606, 662, 626, 682, 612?
682, 662, 626, 612, 606
Plot 975 on a number line.
Check chalkboard.
If you have 630 and 603, which one is smaller? How do you know?
603 because there is a 3 in the tens place of 630 and a 0 in the tens place of 603. 3 is greater than 0, so 603 is smaller.
What is the value of the first digit in 345?
3 hundred or 300.
How would you express the number 695 in expanded form?
600 + 90 + 5
How would you arrange the numbers from least to greatest:
743, 849, 563, 635, 972
563, 635, 743, 849, 972 (from least to greatest)
Draw a number line starting at 100 and ending at 900.
See chalkboard.
Is 845 greater than, less than, or equal to 584? How do you know?
845 is greater because there is an 8 in the hundreds place and a 5 in the hundreds place of 584. 8 is greater than 5.
Compare these numbers using <, >, or =:
345 __ 354
345 < 354