Other Cognition Pt. 1
Other Cognition Pt. 2
Other Cognition Pt. 3
Other Cognition Pt. 4
Other Cognition Pt. 5

This is the term used to describe the disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information (making new passwords).

What is proactive? 


This is the term used to describe judging the likelihood of things based on stereotypes or generalizations and potentially missing relevant information.

What is a representative heuristic?


This is the incorporation of misleading information into one’s memory of an account (especially vivid ones).

What is the misinformation effect?


This is the way one can affect decisions and judgments by how the question or information is posed.

What is framing? 


This is the term used to describe the organizing into familiar, manageable units; often occurs automatically.

What is the Chunking? 


This is a sudden realization of a problem’s solution.

What is insight? 


This is the tendency to remember the names or information at the beginning or end of a list.

What is serial-position? 


This is the tendency to approach a problem the same way.

What is a Mental Set? 


This is when new learning disrupts the recall of old information (new lyrics with an old tune).

What is retroactive? 

This is a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently.

What is heuristics? 


This is the term used to describe clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited/proven wrong.

What is belief perseverance? 


This is the term used to describe estimating the likelihood of an event based on the availability in memory (casino lights and sounds on wins).

What is the availability heuristic?


This is the tendency to recall memories that are consistent with one’s current good or bad mood.

What is Mood Congruency? 

This is the ability to produce novel and valuable ideas.

What is creativity? 


This is when one only remembers or acknowledges information that supports their own opinion, and dismisses examples or instances that contradict their opinion.

What is confirmation bias? 


This is when one fails to retrieve information from one’s past.

What is retrograde? 



1) This is the linguistic term used to refer to are any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguishes one word from another.

2)  This is the linguistic term used to a meaningful morphological unit of a language that cannot be further divided.

1) What are Phonemes? 

2) What are Morphemes? 


This is an effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought as contrasted with explicit, conscious reasoning (gut feeling).

What is intuition? 


These are memory aids, especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices such as acronyms.

What are mnemonics? 


This is when one fails to develop new memories.

What is anterograde? 


This is a methodical, logical approach that guarantees to solve a particular problem (all letter combos).

What is algorithm? 


This is the tendency to be more confident than correct.

What is overconfidence? 


This is when one attributes to the wrong source an event we have experienced, heard about, read about, or imagined.  It is essentially the brain trying to make sense of the familiar situation, but the recall process failed.

what is source amnesia? 


This is when one narrows the available problem solutions to determine the single, best solution.

What is convergent thinking? 


This is the term used to describe self-testing recall as the practice is more effective than re-reading or cramming.

What is the testing effect? 


This is when one expands the number of possible problem solutions.

What is divergent thinking? 


This is the researcher who studied problem-solving and insight with chimpanzees.

Who is Koehler?


Provide the five components that facilitate creativity.

What are: 

1) Imaginative Thinking 

2) A Creative Environment 

3) Expertise

4) A venturesome Personality

5) Intrinsic Motivation


This is the researcher who studied eyewitness accounts and misinformation.  

Who is Loftus? 



1) This is the term used to describe when one cannot comprehend language, usually due to a lesion.

2) This is the scientist who discovered the region of the brain that controls language reception and plays a key role in language development.

1) What is aphasia? 

2) Who is Wernicke? 


This is the figure who discovered human beings are predisposed to learning grammatical structures.

Who is Chomsky? 


This is the process of spacing practice and memorization across multiple days as opposed to cramming.  

What is the spacing effect?


This the scientist who discovered the portion of the brain that deals with language expression.

Who is Broca?


This is the linguistic term used to the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

What is syntax? 


This is the figure that studied memory and developed the forgetting curve.

Who is Ebbinghaus?