The number of people living per unit (usually per square mile)
Population Density
The presence in the environment of a substance that has harmful or poisonous effects.
No one knows for sure how many people the Earth can support. Every environment has a __________ ___________ – the point at which there are not enough natural resources (food and fuel) to support any more members of a given species.
Carrying Capacity
In 2022 the global population reached...
8 billion
The number of births & deaths each year per 1,000 people.
Birth and death rates.
A large city with a population of over ten million
________ supplies also suffer as the population continues to grow, especially in less developed regions that lack the ability to transport ______ across long distances. As more food is needed to support greater numbers of people, a larger amount of ________ is dedicated to agriculture. This greatly depletes _______ supplies and leaves less available for drinking and sanitation.
By 2011 the global population reached...
7 billion
the science of farming: growing crops (plants) and raising animals for food
the variety of plant and animals species in nature
There is a limited amount of gas to power our cars and trees to provide lumber for heating and cooking. The more _______________ that each person uses, the fewer people the earth can support.
By 1987 the global population reached...
The process when towns & cities grow bigger as more people begin living & working in those areas.
The maximum number of people who can be supported in an area.
Carrying Capacity
Only a small amount, 10 percent, of all land on Earth is __________ (able to be farmed). The rest is built up into cities and towns or is too cold, wet, rocky, or dry to grow crops. As the number of people continues to grow, the small portion of land which must provide food for these people remains the same, or becomes smaller as cities expand. Already, one billion people suffer from malnutrition because they do not have enough to eat.
By 1960 the global population reached...
3 billion
the prevention of disease and promotion of good hygiene by maintaining clean conditions
The basic construction needed for operation and growth of a city
The late 1700s and the 1800s was a time of great advancement in science and technology in Europe and North America. The __________ __________ produced many inventions that promoted longer life, such as improvements in farming, nutrition, medicine, and sanitation. By 1930, the world population had reached two billion.
Industrial Revolution
By 1930 the global population reached...
2 billion