Fiscal Policy
Moentary Policy
Social Welfare
Foreign Policy
Environmental Polic
During a recession, what fiscal policy tool would help increase consumer confidence and demand?
What is decrease taxes.
Name two of the three tools that the FED uses to regualt the money supply and circulation.
Raise or lower the discount rate, raise or lower the reserve rate, and buy or sell bonds on the open market.
This is an example of an entitlement program that everyone puts into everyone gets something out of.
What is Social Security OR Medicare?
This is an example of an international organziation that helps protect American security and promote democracy.
What is NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) OR the United Nations.
This book led the EPA to eventually ban the use of DDT.
What is Silent Spring?
Name three economic indicators that economists use to measure th economy.
What are the unemployment rate, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and CPI (Consumer price index)
This is how are the seven members of the Federal Reserve Board chosen?
What is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate?
This is an example of an entitlement program that only helps a small amount of people.
What is food stamps, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), or Medicaid?
Congress must approve treaties, but this agreement between the President and a foreign leader does not need Congressional approval.
What is an executive agreement?
The Clean Air first addressed this issue.
What is vehicle pollution (emissions)?
Supports of this economic philosophy advocate less government interference in the economy and tax cuts; it is usually supported by conservatives.
What is Supply-Side economics
This is the main goal or purpose of the FED?
What is to regulate the money supply, keep the economy stable, and promote economic growth (need to address one of the three).
Which entitlement program involves government's paying health care for the elderly?
What is Medicare?
The "military-industrial complex" is an example of this type of politics.
What is client politics?
Clean-up of Superfund sites is funded by this.
What is a tax on petroleum and chemical companies?
This agency enures that other agencie's budget proposals are compatible with the president's program.
What is the OMB (Office of Management and Budget)
What event led to the creation of many of the welfare programs in the United States?
What is the Great Depression?
Eentitlement programs that help nearly everyone, and nearly everyone benefits are referred to as this type of politics.
What is majoritarian politics?
The uniformed heads of each military service make up this advisory body.
What are the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Between 1970 and 1990, pollution from cars was cut from _________to ________percent.
What is from 60% to 80%?
Supporters of this economic philosophy advocate government intervention, spending during recession, and and slowed spending during recovery.
What is Keynesian philosophy? (John Maynard Keynes)
During a recession, what is one step the FED could take to promote economic growth?
Lower the reserve rate, lower the discount (interest) rate, or buy bonds on the open market.
This program is in jeopardy because there are not enough tax payers to cover the full cost.
What is Social Security.
This body coordinates the differnt agencies engaged in oveseas activities and plays a large role in modern-day foreign policy decision making.
What is the National Security Council?
These are two of three incentives used by the EPA to encourage compaines to reduce pollution.
What are offsets, bubbles, and banks?