Literary Terms
Participle or Gerund
Roots, Prefixes, & Suffixes

The main idea or point in a text that can be stated directly or implied

What is the central idea?


Prepositions tell us _______, _______, and ________. 

What are time, place, and position?


Is the underlined phrase a participial phrase or a gerund phrase?

Most people lived in towns clustered on the Atlantic coast. 

What is a participial phrase?


This root word means "hard, to hold out, or to last."

What is -dur-?



A participle is a verb form that usually ends in ____ or ____. 

What is -ing or -ed?


A struggle between opposing forces

What is a conflict?


Name two of the prepositions in the sentence below.

Scientists hope that comparing the data will shed light on the impact of spending a long time in space. 

*Any two of the answers below

on, of, in


Is the underlined word a participle or a gerund?

In the end, their efforts added to the country's territory and to people's knowledge and understanding

What is a gerund?


This root word means "to stretch or strain."

What is -tens/tent/tend-?    


A participial phrase is a participle and connected words that work together to act like a(n) _________. 

What is an adjective?


A logical assumption made about information in a text that is not directly stated

What is an inference?


Find the prepositional phrase in the sentence below.

Scott will share his marathon mission with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko. 

What is "with Mikhail Kornienko"?


Find the participial or gerund phrase in the sentence below. Then, tell which kind of phrase it is.

Satisfying that curiosity is one good reason to explore space. 

What is "satisfying that curiosity"? 

What is a gerund phrase?


This root word means "foot."

What is -ped-?



A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that acts as a(n) _______.

What is a noun?


A type of autobiography that focuses on a particularly meaningful period in the author's life

What is a memoir?


Find two prepositional phrases in the sentence below.

To the Kelly brothers, it is just the latest mile in a journey they've shared for half a century. 

*Any two of the answers below

To the Kelly brothers

in a journey

for half a century


Find the participial phrase or gerund phrase in the sentence below. Then, tell what kind of phrase it is.

Holding my breath, I zoomed in for a closer look. 

What is "holding my breath"?

What is participial phrase?


This root word means "spread or go."

What is -vad-?


Write a sentence with a prepositional phrase. Then, explain the preposition and the object of the preposition.

*Answers will vary.


Haffid was sitting beside Brandinn in Social Studies class.

beside Brandinn 

in Social Studies class


Daily Double! What is your wager?

As the teacher brought the class back from the washroom, he noticed that Alvin and Elijah were nowhere to be seen. He asked the class, "Has anyone seen Alvin or Elijah?" Most of the students confirmed that they had not seen them, except for Rodney, who remained silent while tapping his foot on the floor anxiously. The teacher noticed this. "Rodney, do you happen to know where your best buddies Alvin and Elijah went?" Rodney looked away and said, "Nah, I haven't seen them." The teacher notified the office of the missing students. An announcement was made over the PA system and a few minutes later, Alvin and Elijah returned to class. Both of them were very sweaty and Elijah was carrying a basketball. "Sorry we took so long. We had to use the bathroom," said Elijah. "Yeah," chimed in Alvin, "it took longer than we thought."

What is one inference that can be made from that paragraph?

*Many correct responses.

Alvin and Elijah had been playing basketball. 

Alvin and Elijah were not in the bathroom.

Rodney knew where his friends were. 


Find two prepositional phrases in the sentence below. Then, tell their prepositions and objects.

But his brother Mark, knows the crackle of an extraterrestrial signal in his ear. 

*Prepositions are in bold and objects and bold and underlined.

of an extraterrestrial signal

in his ear


Daily Double! What is your wager?

Write one sentence using a participle (or participial phrase) and one sentence using a gerund (or gerund phrase). 

*Answers will vary


PP- Floating miles above the Earth, the ISS is a home to astronauts and scientists.

GP- Mrs. Begarly enjoys cooking with her grandmother. 


This suffix means "pertaining to or tending to."

What is -ive?


But his brother, Mark, knows the crackle of an extraterrestrial signal in his ear. Mark is a former astronaut who has been to space four times. Mark is also known for being married to former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was hurt in an assassination attempt in 2011.

Which of these inferences about Mark Kelly is best supported by details in the text?

A. He has worked in the space program for a long time.

B. He has been to the International Space Station.

C. He does not like talking to Scott on the phone.

D. He is interested in becoming a politician.

What is "A. He has worked in the space program for a long time"?