Text Evidence
Phrases/Word Choice
Character Development
Theme/Central Idea
Author's Purpose or Point of View


Which evidence from the text, "Devoted Keeper of Anne Frank's Legacy," BEST support the inference that Buddy Elias valued the time he spent with his cousin, Anne Frank?

A. "She called him Bernd, short for Bernhard, Elias’s formal name." (paragraph 12)

B. "I could tell instantly that he was related to Anne." (paragraph 3)

C. "It was an ordinary letter that one keeps like any other. But it turned out to be her last to him, and he preserved it like a relic, as proof of his cousin’s affection, as something to treasure." (paragraph 17)

D. "I wondered whether he caught the irony of his own words." (paragraph 24)

C. "It was an ordinary letter that one keeps like any other. But it turned out to be her last to him, and he preserved it like a relic, as proof of his cousin’s affection, as something to treasure." (paragraph 17)


In paragraph 23 of "Devoted Keeper of Anne Frank's Legacy," what is the irony of the phrase, “Anne,” he said, “was always good at hiding." What does the author, Moni Basu suggest about Buddy Elias' choice of words?

A. He was just talking about Anne's hide-and-seek skills.

B. He made the unintentional connection between hiding from the Nazis and a child's game.

C. He meant that Anne was a fun cousin.

D. He meant that he admired Anne.

B. He made the unintentional connection between hiding from the Nazis and a child's game. 



What do the actions of Anne Frank in paragraphs 14-15 of the text, "Devoted Keeper of Anne Frank's Legacy," reveal about her character?

A. She is creative and has aspirations.

B. She doesn't like to spend time with family.

C. She has a hard time expressing herself.

D. She can't follow through with plans.

A. She is creative and has aspirations. 


In the text, "Devoted Keeper of Anne Frank's Legacy," what effect does Buddy Elias's devotion to his cousin's legacy have on the development of the theme: there is still good in this world?

A. It causes Elias to re-evaluate his purpose in life. He must have chosen the wrong path.

B. It causes Elias to resent his cousin because she got all the fame.

C. It causes Elias to become more protective of his family's legacy in a bad way.

D. It causes Elias to model the Frank family's values that are good and honorable. Anne's memory lives on in the best way.

D. It causes Elias to model the Frank family's values that are good and honorable. Anne's memory lives on in the best way.


In the article, "A Day of Remembering," which of the following BEST describes the author's purpose for writing this text?

A. to persuade readers of the importance of protecting real-life testimonies and preserving historically accurate information.

B. to entertain readers and give them an insightful perspective on a historically dark time in history.

C. to inform readers of the facts and figures of this event. 

D. to persuade readers that this event actually happened and discourage the passing down of misinformation.

A. to persuade readers of the importance of protecting real-life testimonies and preserving historically accurate information.


Which detail from the text, "A Day of Remembering," BEST support the conclusion that honoring a tragedy can be a collective and moving experience?

A. "The day was filled with commemorations."

B. "It was a moving experience to witness an entire country as it remained perfectly silent and motionless for the length of the siren."

C. "It was a day to mourn the past, but it was also a day to express hope for the future."

D. "There are about 250,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel, about half of the worldwide total."

B. "It was a moving experience to witness an entire country as it remained perfectly silent and motionless for the length of the siren."


Read these sentences from paragraph 3 of "Devoted Keeper of Anne Frank's Legacy."

"I could tell instantly that he was related to Anne. His face resembled hers so much that it felt almost as though I was meeting her in person."

The author's choice of words in these sentences helps to -

A. support the fact that Moni Basu wished that she would have met Anne Frank instead of her cousin.

B. increase the tension that Moni Basu was disappointed that she wasn't meeting Anne Frank because she admired her so much.

C. highlight the excitement Moni Basu felt meeting the relative of the famous Anne Frank.

D. describe a very forgettable encounter with a relative of Anne Frank.

C. highlight the excitement Moni Basu felt meeting a relative of the famous Anne Frank. 


Which piece of the article, "Devoted Keeper of Anne Frank's Legacy," BEST develops the theme of the text: there is still good in this world?

A: Buddy Elias reveals that the whole family loves to write.

B. Buddy Elias reveals that Anne Frank wants to skate as well as he does.

C. The author describes the overall fond experience of being in the pleasant company of such a good man in Buddy Elias.

D. The author describes the horrible memory of Buddy Elias who takes advantage of the Frank family name for his own selfish reasons.

C. The author describes the fond experience of being in the pleasant company of such a good man in Buddy Elias.


In the text, "A Day of Remembering," what is the author's point of view on Holocaust Remembrance Day?

A. This day is only recognized in Israel.

B. It is not clear what the author feels about Holocaust Remembrance Day.

C. This day is recognized in only two countries, Israel and Poland.

D. There are many ways, big and small, to memorialize this dark period in history.

D. There are many ways, big and small, to memorialize this dark period in history.


Which pair of words correctly completes the sentence with the appropriate verb mood?

More American teens ______ college-ready if a school ____ a challenging, multi-skilled discipline class like STEM.

A. will be/is requiring

B. could be/were requiring

C. may be/will require

D. might be/requires

D. might be/requires 


In the text, "A Day of Remembering," which detail BEST develops the central idea that telling the truth plays an important part in preserving history in an authentic and meaningful way?

A. "People need to learn the truth about this chapter of world history and acknowledge the hatred that existed in order to prevent something like it from happening again."

B. "Still, officials understand that it is increasingly important to maintain the memory of the Holocaust."

C. "There are about 250,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel, about half of the worldwide total."

D. "This is significant, historians say, because denial is not only disrespectful to the Holocaust victims, it is also an outrageous false re-writing of history."


A. "People need to learn the truth about this chapter of world history and acknowledge the hatred that existed in order to prevent something like it from happening again."


The Latin prefix con- means "with" or "together." Using this definition and your knowledge of the Latin root -strict-, choose the sentence that BEST describes something being a restriction.

A. The child was able to roam freely in the park.

B. The movie rating clearly stated that kids under the age of 18 were not allowed in the theater.

C. The siblings were allowed to eat whatever they wanted for dinner.

D. The police tape was removed, therefore the crime scene was compromised.

B. The movie rating clearly stated that kids under the age of 18 were not allowed in the theater.