Stock Market Crash of 1929
The Great Depression
The Dust Bowl
The New Deal

What is a stock?

A share of a company.


What was the Great Depression?

A time when many Americans lost their jobs, their homes, and their businesses.


What was the Dust Bowl?

Dust storms that made it impossible to farm and made people leave states like Oklahoma.


What was the New Deal?

Policies and agencies made by President Roosevelt to help Americans and the economy.


What were Hoovervilles?

Shantytowns made by people who were homeless and jobless.


What is buying on margin?

Taking a loan out to buy stocks.

What happened in the Stock Market to lead to the Great Depression?
The Stock Market Crash of 1929.
What was 1 thing that dust storms did to people?

Make them leave their homes, ruin their farms, bury their things with dust, and do what they could to survive.


What were relief policies?

These helped individuals get temporary jobs, housing, and food.


What did the materials in Mr. Roberts green suitcase tell us about the 1990s?

People wrote letters to talk to one another, not everyone needs to go to college, and/or people like Star Trek and comic books.


What can a bank do if you can't pay them back?

Take your money and your home.


What was the peak unemployment during the Great Depression?

1 out of 4 Americans were out of work.


Where did people try to move to to get away from the dust storms?

California, Florida, and Colorado.


What were recovery policies?

These helped businesses start new jobs and stimulate the economy.


What was the Bonus Army?

This was a group of WWI veterans who tried to get promised bonuses ahead of time due to the Great Depression by protesting in Washington D.C.


What did people do to banks when the Stock Market crashed in 1929?

Tried to pull out all of their money.


What happened to banks during the Great Depression?

Many banks closed because they didn't have money to give to account holders.


What caused the Dust Bowl?

Farmers had removed top layers of farmland and exposed topsoil that didn't have protection from wind.


What were reform policies?

These were efforts to change the economy entirely so a Great Depression would never happen again?


What was the Civilian Conservation Corps?

A New Deal Agency that gave unemployed people jobs working on building national parks.


What led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929?

People taking out too many loans they couldn't pay back to purchase stocks.


What was President Hoover's response to the Great Depression?

Raise tariffs, organize charities, and give loans to companies.

What was the most famous novel about the Dust Bowl?

Grapes of Wrath.


What was the Roosevelt Recession of 1937?

This was when spending for the New Deal was temporarily halted, leading to a major recession for a year.


What was the National Recovery Act?

Let workers organize, set job regulations, and formed the Public Works Administration.