Multiple Meaning Words
Guide Words
Main Idea and supporting details

When I go to the park, I love to go down the slide.

  1. I hope our car doesn’t slide on the ice.

  2. Make sure the slide is clean before you go down in your white shorts. 

  3. My favorite thing to do at the park is slide down into the dirt.

  4. I have fun when I slide with my friend at the water park.

Make sure the slide is clean before you go down in your white shorts.


What will you buy from the sales at the mall?

 1. See

2. Purchase

3. Eat

2. Purchase


coin - collect







Football is a fun game. Two teams play against each other and try to score touchdowns to earn points.  The game is played on a grassy field with white marks for yard lines and goal lines. The football players wear a uniform with a colored jersey, football pants, a helmet and cleats. The rules of the football game are enforced by referees. Coaches for each team help the players make decisions and play their best. Many spectators and fans come to watch the two teams play the game. The spectators sit in the stands or bleachers along each sideline. Football is a competitive sport that requires coaching, and the game is enjoyed by many players and fans.

What is a good heading for this passage?

1. Famous Football Players

2. What is football?

3. NFL Top Teams

2. What is football?


Which word contains a prefix?

1. Decode

2. Remembered

3. Ageless

1. Decode


Mr. Ward is the best coach I’ve ever had.

  1. I hope he can coach me to hit the ball better.

  2. Mrs. Parks will coach the team to a state title. 

  3. My parents like to coach my brother’s baseball team.

4. The coach was so proud of his football team who won the game.

4. The coach was so proud of his football team who won the game.


I made one error on my test, so I got a 97%.

1. answer

2. correction

3. mistake

3. mistake


fidget - fifty







Football is a fun game. Two teams play against each other and try to score touchdowns to earn points.  The game is played on a grassy field with white marks for yard lines and goal lines. The football players wear a uniform with a colored jersey, football pants, a helmet and cleats. The rules of the football game are enforced by referees. Coaches for each team help the players make decisions and play their best. Many spectators and fans come to watch the two teams play the game. The spectators sit in the stands or bleachers along each sideline. Football is a competitive sport that requires coaching, and the game is enjoyed by many players and fans.

What is the main idea of the passage?

1. The rules and facts about how football is played

2. Football is a dangerous sport

3. Many people enjoy football

1. The rules and facts about how football is played


Which word contains a suffix?

1. Retest

2. Preexisting

3. Undid 

2. Preexisting


Will you light the candle on the dinner table?

  1. I turned on the light when I entered the room.

  2. The light from the candle cast a shadow on the wall. 

  3. Your suitcase feels very light compared to mine.

4. Use a match to light a fire when you go camping.

4. Use a match to light a fire when you go camping.


You may have milk if you want it.

1. desire

2. tolerate

3. enjoy

1. desire


meat - menace







Football is a fun game. Two teams play against each other and try to score touchdowns to earn points.  The game is played on a grassy field with white marks for yard lines and goal lines. The football players wear a uniform with a colored jersey, football pants, a helmet and cleats. The rules of the football game are enforced by referees. Coaches for each team help the players make decisions and play their best. Many spectators and fans come to watch the two teams play the game. The spectators sit in the stands or bleachers along each sideline. Football is a competitive sport that requires coaching, and the game is enjoyed by many players and fans.

Which sentence best supports the main idea?

1. Many spectators and fans come to watch the two teams play the game.

2. Football is a fun game.

3. The game is played on a grassy field with white marks for yard lines and goal lines.

3. The game is played on a grassy field with white marks for yard lines and goal lines.


What does the suffix est mean?



Do you even think my vote counted?

  1. I will vote after I hear their speeches.

  2. He will definitely get a vote from me. 

  3. My mother always has to vote in the election.

  4. After we vote, they will tell us who won.

2. He will definitely get a vote from me. 


We have to run to the car before it starts to rain.

1. walk

2. skip

3. sprint

3. sprint


sock - soldier







Football is a fun game. Two teams play against each other and try to score touchdowns to earn points.  The game is played on a grassy field with white marks for yard lines and goal lines. The football players wear a uniform with a colored jersey, football pants, a helmet and cleats. The rules of the football game are enforced by referees. Coaches for each team help the players make decisions and play their best. Many spectators and fans come to watch the two teams play the game. The spectators sit in the stands or bleachers along each sideline. Football is a competitive sport that requires coaching, and the game is enjoyed by many players and fans.

What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

1. To persuade

2. To entertain

3. To inform

3. To inform


What does the prefix anti mean?



I want to paint my room light gray.

  1. Did you paint that picture on your wall?

  2. The paint is on a shelf in the garage. 

  3. The blue paint in this container looks best when making a sky.

  4. My dad went to the store to get me some paint.

1. Did you paint that picture on your wall?


The elephant has a large trunk.

1. small

2. tremendous

3. strong

2. tremendous


leather - legal








Football is a fun game. Two teams play against each other and try to score touchdowns to earn points.  The game is played on a grassy field with white marks for yard lines and goal lines. The football players wear a uniform with a colored jersey, football pants, a helmet and cleats. The rules of the football game are enforced by referees. Coaches for each team help the players make decisions and play their best. Many spectators and fans come to watch the two teams play the game. The spectators sit in the stands or bleachers along each sideline. Football is a competitive sport that requires coaching, and the game is enjoyed by many players and fans.

Summarize this passage

Answers will vary


How does the prefix non change the root word in nonsense?

Not or no sense