Caused cities to grow in population and poverty.
What is increasing Urbanization?
Leader of the Haitian Revolution.
Who was Toussaint L'Ouverture?
Increased food production.
What is crop rotation and seed drill?
Industrialized Countries
What Britain, France, Germany, United States, Russia, and Japan?
What was the introduction of the steam engine by James Watt
Utopian Socialism
What is the belief that the prototypical society lies in setting up ideal communities?
Led the Italian Unification
Who was Count di Cavour?
This is how the cottage industry system was used
What are women spun cloth in their home with raw cotton from merchants?
Industrial Revolution
What was a period of rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production that began in the mid-1700s, starting in Britain.
Energy and Power in 1700-1900
What is Coal, Coaling Stations, Oil, Steam Power, & Electricity?
What is a hands-off approach where the government doesn't interfere much in the economy, allowing businesses to compete freely?
People of mixed European and indigenous American ancestry in Latin America called.
Who were the Mestizos?
Henry Ford Invented
What is an assembly line?
Trans-Siberian Railroad
What was a railroad constructed in 1870s to connect European Russia with the Pacific that ended up bringing Russia into a more active Asian role?
Transportation and Communication
What was steamships, transcontinental railroad, telegraph system, and the telephone?
Classical Liberalism
What is the belief that natural rights, constitutional government, laissez-faire economics, and less spending on armies and churches were all beneficial?
Emperor of France, bringing stability but also expanding conflict in Europe.
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?
The Division of Labor
What is different tasks in the assembly line are assigned to different people?
Company Rule
What was the rule of the British East India Company on the Indian subcontinent?
Advancements in Materials
What is iron, steel, Bessemer process?
What is the belief that knowledge comes from experiments and scientific methods, not just tradition or religion?
Simon Bolivar
Who is a key leader in the struggle for Latin American independence?
The Enclosure movement
What is a policy where the government fenced off public government property used by farmers to give it to people who paid for the land?
Arms Act of 1878
What was the British restricted access to minerals and India’s ability to work minerals into firearms?
Second Industrial Revolution
What is a phase in the late 19th and early 20th centuries marked by rapid industrialization in several countries?