True or False: Naomi had more faith than Ruth
True or False: Hannah would make her son a Nazirite
What did Israel start demanding?
A king
Do we need to make up clever things about the meaning of the five smooth stones in the story of David and Goliath?
What is David's first act as king of Judah and Israel?
Bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem
What was Ruth's relationship with Naomi?
She was Naomi's daughter in law
True or False: The bible is the story of what God is doing to powerfully redeem His fallen creation
Why did the people want a king?
They wanted to be like the other nations.
To find in a Bible story hidden meaning that isn’t really there.
Who does God strike down when he touches the ark?
After her husband and sons died, where did Naomi decide to move?
How do we know that Hannah isn't just trying to cut a deal with God?
She willingly gives Samuel up
What was Saul doing when Samuel announced him as king?
Hiding among the luggage
To assign to the details of a Bible story spiritual meaning that God didn’t put there.
How does David display his godliness to the whole nation of Israel?
By refusing to kill Saul
Why did God tell the Israelites to leave the corners of their fields unharvested?
So the poor could come glean grain for themselves
What does "Messiah" mean?
Anointed One
What tribe is Saul from?
To make it seem like you can be good without God.
What tribe is David from?
What is the proper term for a relative who could buy back the family inheritance so it remained with the family?
The covenant God made with ______ is still guiding His actions hundreds of years later.
Saul's rash vow nearly results in the death of _______
His own son
To give each word the same meaning that it would have in a normal and ordinary use.
What line will the seed who crushes the head of the serpent come from?