What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 4,782?
Round 67 to the nearest ten.
What is the sum of 23 and 45 using the standard algorithm?
What is the difference when you subtract 15 from 45 using the standard algorithm?
If Sam has 15 apples and buys 7 more, how many apples does he have now?
22 apples
In the number 5,634, what digit is in the hundreds place?
What is 342 rounded to the nearest hundred?
Add 156 and 289 using the standard algorithm.
Subtract 132 from 250 using the standard algorithm.
Lisa had 50 candies, and she gave away 23. How many does she have left?
27 candies
Write the number 2,410 in expanded form.
Round 85 to the nearest ten.
What do you get when you add 4,752 and 1,289 using the standard algorithm?
Find the result of 1,500 - 678 using the standard algorithm.
A box contains 120 toys, and 45 are taken out. How many toys remain in the box?
75 toys
What is the place value of the 9 in the number 9,856?
If you round 1,234 to the nearest hundred, what do you get?
Calculate 3,567 + 2,456 using the standard algorithm.
What do you get when you calculate 5,432 - 2,345 using the standard algorithm?
You buy three books: one costs $12, the other book costs $15, and the last one costs $18. How much did you spend?
Explain how you would find the value of the digit 3 in the number 3,245.
It is in the thousands place, so I know that it is 3,000
Explain how you would round the number 4,678 to the nearest thousand.
You would look at the thousands place and then look at the number behind if it is bigger than five; you round the thousands place up. If it is smaller than five, you keep the number in the thousands place the same. Every number after the thousands becomes a 0
Explain the steps in the standard algorithm for addition.
Line up the digits: Write the numbers one under the other, making sure the digits are lined up by place value (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.). For example:
Start from the right (ones place): Begin with the rightmost column (ones place). Add the digits in this column together.
Example: 6 + 9 = 15.
Write the 5 in the ones place of the answer, and carry the 1 (because 15 is more than 10) to the next column.
Move to the next column (tens place): Now, add the digits in the tens column, along with any carry-over from the previous step.
Example: 5 + 8 = 13, plus the 1 we carried over gives us 14.
Write the 4 in the tens place, and carry the 1 over to the next column.
Move to the hundreds place: Add the digits in the hundreds column, including any carry-over from the tens column.
Example: 4 + 7 = 11, plus the 1 we carried over gives us 12.
Write the 2 in the hundreds place and carry the 1 to the next column (though there is no next column here).
Write the final answer: After adding all the columns, write down the carry-over (if any) in front of the sum.
Describe the steps in the standard algorithm for subtraction.
Line up the numbers: Write the two numbers one under the other, making sure the digits are lined up by place value (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.). For example:
Start from the right (ones place): Begin with the rightmost column (the ones place). Look at the top number and subtract the bottom number.
Borrow if needed: If the number on top is smaller than the number on the bottom, borrow from the next place value to the left (tens, hundreds, etc.).
Subtract: Now, subtract the bottom number from the top number.
Move to the next column (tens place): Now that you've taken care of the ones place, move to the tens place. If you borrowed earlier, subtract the number in the tens place of the bottom number from the new top number.
Example: 7 - 9. Since 7 is smaller than 9, you need to borrow again, this time from the hundreds place.
Borrow 1 from the 7 in the hundreds place, turning the 7 into 6 and the 7 in the tens place into 17.
Subtract again: Now subtract the bottom number from the top number.
Move to the next column (hundreds place): Finally, subtract the bottom number in the hundreds place from the top number.
Write the final answer: After subtracting each column, write the final answer below the line.
John has $100. He spends $37 on a toy and $25 on a game. How much money does he have left?