Rhetorical Devices
Figurative Language & Literary Elements
Sentence Fragments & Run-Ons
Text Structure
Context Clues

A question asked for dramatic effect.

Rhetorical Question


Comparison of two things using like or as


Is the following a full sentence, a run-on, or a sentence fragment:

Having went to the store to buy food for dinner.



Name the text structure:

People tend to be very loyal to their favorite brands of technology. Some people are devoted to Apple’s iPhones and some people are big fans of Android phones. These phones have several things in common, including the ability to use the internet, download apps, and take pictures. There are also certain differences. iPhones have sleek designs and sync well with other Apple products, like Apple watches. Androids, however, have more options to customize. Also, iPhones usually come with a higher price tag.

Compare and Contrast


Use context clues to help you determine the meaning of "developments":

So she had blood-kin under her roof again and we sat back to watch developments. At first nothing happened. Then we were sure that they were to be married.

Recent important events that are the latest in a series of related events


The Following sentence is an example of which Rhetorical Device:

“Our teacher gives us A MILLION hours of homework each night!”



Comparison of two things NOT using like or as



Is this sentence correct, Fragment, or run-on?

Having went to the store to buy food for dinner.



Name the Text Structure:

Cane toads come from South America, but they were brought to Australia in the 1930s. The reason people brought them were to help control the beetles that were harming sugar crops, since the toads would eat the beetles. Unfortunately, their introduction the country had some unexpected side effects. The toads began reproducing quickly, and their population spread out of control. They began harming Australia’s ecosystem and were thought of as a big problem.

Cause and Effect


Use context clues to help you determine the meaning of "Vigorous":

Up to the day of her death at seventy-four it was still that vigorous iron-gray, like the hair of an active man.

Strong, healthy, full of energy


Correct the sentence to have parallel structure:

I love reading, crocheting, and to go on walks.

I love reading, crocheting, and walking


I love to read, crochet, and walk/go on walks.


The main message of a text, or, the key takeaway.



How could you change this sentence to make it grammatically correct?

My Aunt Debra owns three dogs, she wants to get another one.

My Aunt Debra owns three dogs, BUT she wants to get another one.


Name the Text Structure:

Car crashes are extremely dangerous. In the past, not all cars had seatbelts. As highways began to spread across the United States, more and more people were getting hurt in car crashes. The government made a new law requiring everyone to wear a seatbelt in order to keep people safe. As a result, there were far fewer deaths on the road. It was estimated that seatbelts saved about 14,000 lives in the year 2015.



Use context clues to help you determine the meaning of "Tramp":

How can he find himself on a farm? Is that a life? A farmhand? In the beginning, when he was young, I thought, well, a young man, it’s good for him to tramp around, take a lot of different jobs.

to walk, travel, or wander aimlessly


Specific word choice. Words are frequently synonymous with each other even if they have slightly different meanings or effects



He was as quiet as a mouse.



Is this sentence correct, Fragment, or run-on?

Military submarines came into popular use during World War I, they have, since then, continued to play an important role in the United States Navy, as well as in militaries across the globe.



Which text structure identifies an issue(s) and proposes a way(s) to solve that issue?



Use context clues to help you determine the meaning of "reminiscences":

My God! Remember how they used to follow him around in high school? When he smiled at one of them their faces lit up. When he walked down the street... (He loses himself in reminiscences.)

remembrances or discussions of events that happened in the past


The following is an example of what Rhetorical Device:

“…we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!”



The following is an example of what literary Element:

You often need to struggle in order to succeed.



How could you change this sentence to make it grammatically correct?

There are no cues from the sun or moon sailors must rely on strict schedules to determine when they should eat meals, work, sleep, and take some time off.

There are no cues from the sun or moon, so sailors must rely on strict schedules to determine when they should eat meals, work, sleep, and take some time off.


Name the Text Structure:

To bake a loaf of bread, it is important to follow a series of steps. First, you must activate the yeast by mixing it with warm water. After it has been sitting, you can mix it into the flour. You should knead the bread until the dough is smooth. Next, you have to let the bread rise by placing it somewhere warm. When it has doubled in size, you can put it in the oven. Last, check the loaf of bread as it bakes to make sure you don’t burn it.



Use context clues to help you determine the meaning of "captivated":

Yet I had become captivated. This land had become for me not just a destination, but a place of complete fantasy, a place that could have existed only in the imagination of itinerant storytellers in the souqs of Barbary.

To grab the attention of