Unit 5 Texts
Root Words
Grammar 1
Grammar 2

On a platform with steps at a building's door.

What is stoop?


In The Science of Silk, how is silk produced?

a. eggs

b. silkworms

c. earthworms

What is b. silkworms?


Added to the beginning of a root word

What is prefix?


Words that are pronounced the same, but differ in meaning. 

a. homographs

b. homophones

c. nouns

b. What are homophones?


Taller, smarter, slower are examples of which kind of adjective?

a. comparative

b. descriptive

c. superlative

What is a. comparative?


Someone who is unafraid.

What is undaunted?


From the story: Before Columbus, The Americas Before 1491, Native Americans used this food in history over 6,000 years ago.

a. marshmallows

b. maize

c. mangoes

What is b. maize?


Added to the end of a root word

What is suffix?


Words that are spelled the same, but may be pronounced differently.

a. homophones

b. homographs

c. hyperboles

b. What are homographs?


Correct the sentence: 

The bird sings more loud than my sister.

a. no change

b. more louder

c. louder

What is c. louder?


Secretly listening to other people’s conversations without them knowing.

What is eavesdropping?


Name the setting of A Journey to Freedom. 

a. Massachusetts farm, 1851

b. Minnesota farm, 1851

c. Mississippi farm, 1851

What is a. Massachusetts farm, 1851?


This is the meaning of mis in misspell.

a. wrong; incorrect

b. no; not

c. right; correct

What is a. wrong; incorrect?


I want to sit ___________ so I can _________ the speaker better. 

a. here, hear

b. hear, here

c. hire, higher

What is a. here, hear?


Correct the sentence: 

Strawberries are sweeter than apples.

a. more sweet

b. no change

c. more sweeter

What is b. no change?


Unable to achieve a desired result or effect because resources aren't being used properly

What is inefficient?


What is the reason Abby's heart is pounding? 

a. she hears a tap on the floor

b. she hears a knock at the door

c. she hears a knock at the window

What is b. she hears a knock at the door?


The word drinkable has a _________ that means can do or able to do.

a. prefix

b. root word

c. suffix

What is c. suffix?


She will ___________ to ____________ the dough so it will be easier to bake in the oven. 

a. knead, kneed

b. knead, need

c. need, knead

What is c. need, knead?


Adjectives that express the highest degree of comparison.

a. comparative

b. descriptive

c. superlative

What is c. superlative?


An amount that is greater than that which is needed.

What is surplus?


A realistic story that takes place at a specific time in the past. It is based on actual events and actual people. 

What is historical fiction?


The word automobile has a _________ that means self.

a. prefix

b. root word

c. suffix

What is a. prefix?


Choose the best example choice for homographs: 

a. board, bored

b. bored, board

c. bow, bow

What is c. bow, bow?


This level was one of the ______ frustrating levels in the game. 

a. more

b. most

c. many

What is b. most?