Writers, Intellectuals and Philosophers
French Revolution
Other Revolutions and Nationalist movements
Causes of Industrial Revolution
Effects of the Industrial Revolution

Those who felt that society could be channeled in positive directions by setting up ideal communities were often called ______________.

utopian socialists


Identify one cause of the French revolution

Economic woes due to France's assistance with the American Revolution. The commoners broke from the Estates Generale and created the National Assembly. The king tried to suppress this but a crowd in Paris stormed the Bastille.


This Prussian leader used nationalist feelings to engineer three wars to bring about German unification.

 Otto Von Bismarck


Identify three advantages that made Britain a leader in industrialization.

Had many seaways, could import raw materials from its various colonies and low cost. Britain had access to immense coal deposits. Because of the wealth accumulated from the trans-Atlantic slave trade, British investors had excess capital (money available to invest in business ventures).


Identify two issues that workers attempted to address by forming labor unions.

Dangerous and unsanitary working conditions, low wages, and long hours.


Karl Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto how capitalism divided society into two basic classes. The ______________ was essentially the working class and the ______________ included the middle class and investors who owned machinery and factories where workers produced goods.

proletariat; bourgeoisie


Identify the estates in order of their power and status within France's Ancien Regime.

1st Estate - Clergy/Church

2nd Estate - Nobles

3rd Estate - Commoners


This prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia led the drive to unite the entire Italian Peninsula under the only native dynasty, the House of Savoy. He believed in natural rights, progress, and constitutional monarchy.

Count Camillo Benso di Cavour


Setting aside the advantages that allowed Britain to industrialize first, identify two developments that took place before the Industrial Revolution and set the conditions that led to its rise.

In the early 1700s Britain had an agricultural revolution that resulted in increased food production that could sustain a higher population. Part of this agricultural revolution was facilitated with the innovation of crop rotation and the invention of the seed drill. The enclosure movement also led many small formers to move to urban areas such as Manchester and Liverpool.


This British philosopher co-founded a philosophy known as Utilitarianism. Additionally, he was critical of laissez-faire capitalism as inhumane to workers. He championed legal reforms to allow labor unions, limit child labor, and ensure safe working conditions in factories. 

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)


_____________ proposed that a child was born with a mind like a "blank slate" (tabula rasa) waiting to be filled with knowledge. 

John Locke


The following is from what source:

1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.

2. The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.

3. The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.

Declaration of the Rights of Man


This former slave joined the revolts in 1791 which led to a wider rebellion against slavery. He was well-read in Enlightenment thought and proved to be a capable general. He led an army of enslaved Africans and Maroons and to take control of territory that would become the independent country of Haiti in 1801.

Toussaint L'Ouverture


The _______________ invented by James Hargreaves in the 1760s allowed a weaver to spin more than one thread at a time.

spinning jenny


In 1853, a naval squad led by ____________________ sailed into Tokyo Bay demanding that the Japanese engage in trade with the United States.

Commodore Matthew Perry


__________ is a belief in traditional institutions, and opposed socialism and blamed the poor for their own problems calling on them to change. ______________ advocated a belief in natural rights, constitutional government, laissez-faire economics and reduced spending on armies and established churches.

Conservativism; Classical liberalism


Since 1792, France had been at war with other European countries. Parts of France were in open rebellion, and it seemed that France might lose the war until a _____________________ took over in 1793. This Committee began a "________________"  which was a period during the French Revolution where the government executed thousands of opponents of the revolution, including the king and queen. They were directed by _____________________  and other radical leaders, who were idealistic followers of Rousseau.

Committee of Public Safety; "Reign of Terror"; Maximilien Robespierre


In 1858, the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont allied with ____________ into a war with Austria, hoping to weaken Austrian influence on the Italian Peninsula.


Eli Whitney created a system of ____________________ for manufacturing firearms for the US military, whereby if a particular component of a machine were to break, it could easily be replaced with a new, identical part.

interchangeable parts


Once new industries were flourishing, they were sometimes sold to ___________, powerful Japanese family business organizations like the conglomerates in the United States.



In the late 19th century emerged a new ideology known as Zionism - the desire of Jews to reestablish an independent homeland where their ancestors had lived in the Middle East. Leading the movement was an Austro-Hungarian Jew, _____________.

Theodor Herzl


Identify one similarity and one difference between the French and the American Revolutions.

Commonalities: Founding documents both inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment.

Differences: American revolution led to a republic while the French led to the rise of Napoleon as Emperor.


Creoles like Simon Bolivar pushed for Enlightenment ideals in Latin America. He promoted the independence of areas that became Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. After considerable military success in Latin America fighting the Spanish, his forces achieved the formation of a large area that he called ________________. 

Gran Colombia


When did the Second Industrial Revolution take place and identify two inventors of this Second Industrial Revolution and their inventions.

late 19th and early 20th century

Alexander Graham Bell - phone

Thomas Edison - incandescent light bulb, phonograph, street lighting

Guglielmo Marconi - radio

Henry Bessemer - Bessemer Process for mass producing steel.


The son of a wealthy textile manufacturer, he  financially supported Karl Marx and cowrote the Communist Manifesto with him.

 Friedrich Engels