What are three examples of Surface Web?
Google, Wikipedia, Youtube
True or False: ALL computer Viruses are man-made
True or False: All Cookies are safe to accept on unknown websites
What are two way to avoid Phishing scams
1. Never click on link to a web service you have
2. Remember that actual companies and services will not ask for information they likely already have.
What does RSI stand for?
Repetitive strain injury
What is the difference between the Surface Web and The Deep Web?
Surface web is easily accessible to users without having to sign in while Deep Web requires an account in order to be used.
What is the average amount of viruses created each month?
What do keyloggers do?
It's software that records all the information that is typed by using a keyboard
What is a Turing Test?
Test that are used to determine if the user is human or not.
What are 5 symptoms of RSI?
Infumation, Pain, Redness, Swelling, and Limited movement
How much of website browser is just deep web?
What are Worms?
A dangerous type of self-replicating virus that can spread across networks and bypassing security systems
What are cookies?
There internet flies on your computer that personalize and save your progress on a website
What are two ways to prevent Malware?
1. Keep your operating system up-to-date
2. Back up your files frequently to lower the chances of an attack
What is tech neck?
Repetitive strain injury in your upper back, neck, and head
What are three examples of Deep web?
Amazon prime, Netflix, Instagram
What happens if your computer gets a DoS attack?
You will get so much internet traffic that it will cause a web service or website to shutdown
What is Phishing?
Scam emails that pose as companies or other people for the soul purpose getting access to the individuals personal information.
True or False: Macs don’t get viruses
What causes Tech neck?
Looking down at your device for a long period which applies extra weight to your neck and upper back
What is the Deep web use for?
Selling illegal substances, internet trafficking, identity theft.
What is a Trojan virus?
A file that pretends to be normal to trick you into instelling it on your computer
What is Spear Phishing?
They are scam emails that are targeted to a specific group or network of people and are mainly done with malicious intent
True or False: Using Anti-virus software means you never get viruses ever
False (Software is only 91-99% effective)
How do you avoid Tech Neck?
Take breaks to stretch or Bring your device up higher