Primitive/Ancient Technology
Space Technology
Marine Technology
Military Technology
Modern Technology

Why do fires need oxygen?

To start fire, you create friction and for that friction to become fire, it needs oxygen. The main reason why fire needs oxygen is mostly due to the presence of carbon in the material which is burning. Carbon reacts with oxygen to create carbon dioxide, this reaction creates a lot of heat giving us what we call “fire”.


What are the benefits of space exploration? Name 4 benefits.

1. Innovation

2. Culture and Inspiration

3. New Means to Address Global Warming

4. Tracking Weather

5. Determining Population Density Through Light

6. Intergalactic Travel 


What are used to monitor sea surface conditions and water quality factors?

buoys and water column samplers


What device enables troops to deploy weapons in war while safely remaining thousands of miles away from the front lines of the battlefield?

Combat drones or unmanned aerial vehicles


How many people use the internet today? 

Hint: Approximately 40% of the world's population

Over 3.8 billion


According to legend,  who used a mythic tool known as a sunstone to navigate the rough northern seas during their long journeys across unfamiliar waters? The device would have allowed them to pinpoint the sun even when it was veiled by dense clouds and fog! 

Viking raiders


When NASA first attempted to make a pen that would work in space, considering that you have to take gravity into the equation, they accidentally created what device that helps cardio patients?

heart pump


In what year was the first successful and safe open-circuit scuba invented?

Hint: It was during world war 2



In the 1990s Submarines used Low frequency active sonar (LFA sonar) in order to detect quiet submarines. What are the dangers it has in our oceans? Name 3.

Has the potential to 

1. kill

2. deafen 


4. massive strandings

whales, dolphins and all marine life, as well as humans, in the water.


What was the size of the first VCR?

The size of a piano!


Gunpowder was invented in 9th-century China. With the addition of bamboo, what does it create?



A key difference between being on Earth and being in space is the sensation of weightlessness that astronauts feel. Astronauts use pools to focus on what?

zero gravity training or their neutral buoyancy 


In ocean exploration, scientists use ROVs and AUVs. What do they stand for?

1. Remotely operated vehicle

2. Autonomous underwater vehicle


What was the first known weapon designed purposely as an offensive weapon in the early Bronze Age?

The mace. The mace was a simple rock, shaped for the hand and intended to smash bone and flesh, to which a handle had been added to increase the velocity and force of the blow. 


The first photograph ever taken was in 1826. How long did it take to expose? How many seconds, minutes, or hours?

It took 8 hours to expose

The creator of that camera, Louis Daguerre, was able to lower that time drastically to just 15 minutes in 1839.


Which 3 simple machines did the Egyptians use to build the pyramids?

Wedge, Lever, and Inclined Plane


According to NASA, Curiosity has four main science goals in support of the agency's Mars exploration program, what are they?

Hint: Brian went over this during the virtual program with Mystic Seaport Museum.

1. Determine whether life ever arose on Mars.

2. Characterize the climate of Mars.

3. Characterize the geology of Mars.

4. Prepare for human exploration.


Do you think it is possible for satellites to map out the ocean floor? 

Satellites in orbit can estimate measurements of the peaks and valleys shaping the seabed by beaming radar pulses towards Earth and calculating the time it takes for them to bounce back. While this method doesn't provide a terribly accurate map of the ocean floor, it can be used to gauge depths in even the most remote areas.


Which country influenced the positive impact of military technology involving marching in step because of their arms and armour which were most effective for fighting in close formation? This technique further augmented cohesion and made the phalanx a tactically formidable formation.

Greece (The Greeks)


Do you think more people own cell phones or toilets in the world?

Out of all the 7.7 billion people in the world, over 6 billion of those have access to a cell phone.

Meanwhile, only 4.5 billion have access to working toilets!


How did the Egyptians determine if the base to their pyramid was level?

They put pillars throughout, flooded the area, marked the lines, and if they were all even, they knew it was level.


How long does it take become an astronaut?

Hint: Think of everything they have to do. Can't start from nowhere. 

1. 4 year degree

2. 3 years of professional experience

3. 2 years of training


Name 6 items used for Navigation in the 1800s

1. Charts

2. Compass

3. Sextant

4. Chronometer

5. Parallel ruler

6. Hour glass

7. Stars and constellation almanac

8. The North Star

9. Chip Log


The development of oceangoing ships armed with gunpowder weapons allowed which military entity to begin European conquest in the 15th and 16th Century? 

Hint: They first began conquest in the 12th Century in China

The Mongols


When did the world wide web begin?

August 6, 1991