How did the south feel about tariffs?
They did not like them, it hurt their economy
Describe the population change of slaves in Texas
The population grew
This battle was known for advanced technological advances in weaponry
Galveston battle
2 key facts about Palmito Ranch
located at the southern tip of Texas and took place after the war had already ended
Popular Sovereignty means?
Fires set in North Dallas
The invasion of Texas by the Union that ended in defeat
Sabine Pass
Describe the change that took place in the roles people occupied during the war
Women took on jobs that were "men only" roles
the process of reuniting the nation after the war
Name the parts of the missouri compromise of 1820
1. Missouri enters union as slave state. 2. Maine enters as free state, 3. 36'30 line is established
common belief among southerners
slavery would be abolished
Why was Texas position as a state important?
During the war the decline in cotton production and labor contribute to what?
A negative economy
Why Did Texas fight after the confederacy surrendered?
What repealed the compromise of 1820?
Kansas Nebraska act
Refused to be loyal to the Confederacy
Sam Houston
The south believed this was the biggest threat to slavery
Texas troubles refers to
The fires set in north Dallas that contributed to Texas leaving the Union
What is sectionalism?
Where you remain loyal to your region instead of the entire country
Name the parts of the compromise of 1850
1. California enters union as free state, 2. Fugitive slave act passed, 3. Texas lost territory
1. Slavery, 2. States rights, 3. Tariffs, 4. Sectionalism
How did Texans feel about the Confederacy?
Antebellum Elites
What are the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment?
abolishment of slavery, citizenship, and voting rights