Types of Energy
Transfer of Energy
Energy of Motion
What is Kinetic Energy
Explain the transformation that takes place when you rub your hands together. START FROM THE SUN ( 5 steps)
What is light energy( from the sun) to chemical energy (plants make sugar) to chemical (stored in bonds in food) to kinetic (movement of the hands) to thermal (heat produced from friction)
As the mass of an object moving at a given speed decreases its kinetic energy will ______________________.
What is decrease
A 800 N skier jumps off a rock which is 30 meters high. What is the total work performed on the skier?
800 N x 30 meters = 24,000 Joules
State the Law of Conservation of Energy
What is Energy can not be created of destroyed it can only be transferred or transformed.
The type of Energy that depends on mass and position
What is potential energy
Explain the transformation that takes place when you turn on a flashlight. From the battery to the light. 4 steps
What is Chemical (of the battery) to electrical (flow of electrons) to radiant (of the light) to thermal ( the heat produced by the light)
As the speed of a falling object increases, its potential energy will _____________________.
What is decrease
Iron Man lifts a 30 kg child a distance of 2.0 meters. How much work does Iron Man do in lifting the child?
1 kg/9.8N = 30 kg/ "x" x= 294 N work = force x distance work = 294 N x 2.0 meters work = 588 Joules
What are the 6 fundamental forms of energy?
Mechanical Thermal Electromagnetic Electrical Nuclear Chemical
Type of energy that depends on the speed of molecules.
What is thermal or heat energy
Explain the transformation of a book falling from table. Explain the type of energy and where it comes from. 5 steps
What is Potential ( due to the position of the book) to kinetic (motion of the book) to thermal ( the friction between the book and the air) to sound energy (hitting the floor) and back to potential energy.
When you drop a book on the floor, what happens to its original potential energy?
What is the potential energy was transferred to kinetic, thermal, and sound
Leia weighs 400N. She climbs an AT-AT Walker, 20 meters in 15 seconds. Determine Leia's power.
work = f x d work = 400N x 20 m work = 8000 Joules power = work/time power = 8000/15 power = 533.3 watts
What is Mechanical Energy?
Energy due to an object's motion (kinetic) or position (potential)
Type of energy that depends on the flow of electrons
What is electrical energy
Explain the Phases of Matter diagrams between a solid, liquid and a gas (draw it!)
see student's answers
A basketball is dropped from a height of 2m and another identical basketball is dropped from a height of 4m. Which ball has more kinetic energy just before it hits the ground?
What is the basketball dropped from a height of 4m because it has more speed.
What is the kinetic energy of a 24 kg mass that is moving with a velocity of 2 meters per second forward?
KE=mv^2/2 KE = (24)(2^2)/2 KE = 24(4)/2 KE = 96/2 KE = 48 J
1) Looking back at our pendulum lab, how does the starting height of the swing affect the number of swings of a pendulum? 2) How does the length of the string affect the number of swings of a pendulum?
1) As you increase the height, the distance also increases, so even though the pendulum has more speed, it still has to travel a greater distance which will always keep the same number of swings no matter what height you drop it from. 2) The shorter the string, the more swings it will make since it will have less distance to cover.
In a roller coaster, where is the greatest potential energy? Where is the greatest kinetic energy?
PE - atop the greatest hill (usually the initial hill) KE - at the bottom of the highest hill or when the cart is going the fastest
Explain what a bouncing ball does when dropped on the floor compared to dropping it on a piece of cardboard on the floor.
The floor accepts less energy at a time, more dense - ball bounces higher The cardboard accepts more energy at a time, less dense, ball doesn't bounce as high.
What is the difference between weight and mass?
Weight deals with gravity and mass never changes.
A baseball that weighs 1.38N is thrown so that it attains a velocity of 18 meters per second forward. What is the kinetic energy of the ball at that velocity?
1kg/9.8N = "x"kg/1.38N x=0.14 kg KE=mv^2/2 KE = .14(18^2)/2 KE = 22.68 Joules
In our roller coaster lab, 1)What force causes the car (marble) to move? 2) What force causes the marble to slow down and eventually stop? 3) How could you increase or decrease the speed of the marble? 4) At which point on the track does the marble have the most potential energy? 5) At which point on the track does the marble have the most kinetic energy?
1) Gravity 2) Friction 3) Make the initial drop larger or make more loops/turns/hills to slow it down. 4) The initial drop or highest point. 5) At the bottom of the highest drop.