Unit 5 終末期
Unit 6 子供の道徳性
Unit 7,8 語彙

End-of-life issues (r   ) (f   ) attempts to prolong the lives of dying patients through highly experimental technologies, such as the implantation of animal organs, to efforts to terminate life prematurely through (e   ) and medically assisted (s   ).

End-of-life issues (range) (ffrom) attempts to prolong the lives of dying patients through highly experimental technologies, such as the implantation of animal organs, to efforts to terminate life prematurely through (euthanasia) and medically assisted (suicide).


You believe that children are morally (n   ) at birth, as John Locke would (p   ) it, and learn it particularly from (a   ).

You believe that children are morally (neutral) at birth, as John Locke would (put) it, and learn it particularly from (aadults).



(   ) (o   ) (   ) animal welfare or the damage to the environment from gigatons of greenhouse gases released by cows

(as) (opposed) (to) animal welfare or the damage to the environment from gigatons of greenhouse gases released by cows


「もちろん、富裕層は別であり、好きなように食事ができる財力があった。王侯貴族だけではない: 18世紀のイギリスでは、所得が増加するにつれて、野心的な中産階級が社会的上位者と同じ特権を主張し始めた。」[一橋大・前期]

The rich were different, of course, with the (r   ) to dine as they pleased. And not just royals and (a   ): In 18th-century England, as incomes rose, an (a   ) middle class began to claim some of the same (p   ) as their supposed social superiors.

 The rich were different, of course, with the (resources) to dine as they pleased. And not just royals and (aristocrats): In 18th-century England, as incomes rose, an (ambitious) middle class began to claim some of the same (privileges) as their supposed social superiors.


the following elements: the subject is a (c   ), informed person with an incurable illness who has voluntarily asked (f   ) his or her life to be ended; the agent knows about the person’s condition and desire to die, and (c   ) the act with the primary intention of ending the life of that person; and the act is undertaken with (c   ) and without personal (g   ).

the following elements: the subject is a (competent), informed person with an incurable illness who has voluntarily asked (for) his or her life to be ended; the agent knows about the person’s condition and desire to die, and (commits) the act with the primary intention of ending the life of that person; and the act is undertaken with (compassion) and without personal (gain).


It[=rationalism] also doubts the idea that whatever morals we have as grown-ups (m   ) (h   ) been learned during our childhood experience (   ) adults telling us what is right and wrong. Instead, the rationalist approach asserts that children figure out morality (f   ) themselves.

It[=rationalism] also doubts the idea that whatever morals we have as grown-ups (must) (have) been learned during our childhood experience (of) adults telling us what is right and wrong. Instead, the rationalist approach asserts that children figure out morality (for) themselves.



He’s (   ) night (   ).

He’s (on) night (duty).



Modern superstition operates on a smaller scale, as well. Every newspaper in America runs a daily horoscope column, which millions of people read and follow. Otherwise highly educated people will behave as if the motion of distant planets had some significant influence over chance events and interpersonal interactions on Earth.



Euthanasia and assisted suicide, according to these definitions, are to be distinguished from the withholding or withdrawal of inappropriate, (f   ) or unwanted medical treatment or the provision of compassionate (p   ) care, (e   ) when these practices shorten life.

Euthanasia and assisted suicide, according to these definitions, are to be distinguished from the withholding or withdrawal of inappropriate, (futile) or unwanted medical treatment or the provision of compassionate (palliative) care, (e   ) when these practices shorten life.


He[=Piaget] was (f   ) by the stages that insects went through as they (t   ) themselves. Later, when his attention (t   ) to children, he brought with him this interest in stages of development.

He[=Piaget] was (fascinated) by the stages that insects went through as they (transformed) themselves. Later, when his attention (turned) to children, he brought with him this interest in stages of development.


Owls feed (   ) mice and other small animals.

Owls feed (on) mice and other small animals.


「彼は微笑み返し、「どうしようもないんだ 」とでも言うように肩をすくめた。」[2022早稲田大・法]

He smiled back and kind of shrugged (   ) (   ) (   ) (s   ), "I just can't help myself."

He smiled back and kind of shrugged (as) (if) (to) (say), "I just can't help myself."


The rejection of euthanasia and assisted suicide does not mean that physicians can do nothing for the patient with a life-threatening illness that is at an advanced stage and for which curative (m   ) are not appropriate. In recent years there have been great (a   ) in palliative care treatments for (r   ) pain and suffering and improving (q   ) of life.

The rejection of euthanasia and assisted suicide does not mean that physicians can do nothing for the patient with a life-threatening illness that is at an advanced stage and for which curative (measures) are not appropriate. In recent years there have been great (advances) in palliative care treatments for (relieving) pain and suffering and improving (quality) of life.


For example, he put water into two (i   ) drinking glasses and asked children to tell him if the glasses held the same amount of water. They answered yes. Then he (p   ) the contents of one of the glasses into a tall skinny glass and asked them to compare the new glass to the one that had not been touched. Children younger than six or seven often said the tall glass now held more water, because the (l   ) was higher.

For example, he put water into two (identical) drinking glasses and asked children to tell him if the glasses held the same amount of water. They answered yes. Then he (poured) the contents of one of the glasses into a tall skinny glass and asked them to compare the new glass to the one that had not been touched. Children younger than six or seven often said the tall glass now held more water, because the (level) was higher.



Japan is (   ) (   ) severe earthquakes.

Japan is (subject) (to) severe earthquakes.


Which scene is Mr Higashi looking forward to in the Infinity Castle Section?

(Answer in 20 words or less.)



All physicians who care for dying patients should ensure that they have adequate skills in this domain, as well as, (w   ) available, access to skilled consultative help from palliative care specialists. (A   ) all, physicians should not (a   ) dying patients but should continue to provide compassionate care even when cure is no longer possible.

All physicians who care for dying patients should ensure that they have adequate skills in this domain, as well as, (where) available, access to skilled consultative help from palliative care specialists. (Above) all, physicians should not (abondon) dying patients but should continue to provide compassionate care even when cure is no longer possible.


Taking (t   ) in a game is like pouring water back and forth between glasses. No matter (h   ) often you do it with three-year-olds, they are just not ready to (d   ) the concept of fairness, (   ) more than they can understand the idea of volume conservation.

Taking (turns) in a game is like pouring water back and forth between glasses. No matter (how) often you do it with three-year-olds, they are just not ready to (digest) the concept of fairness, (any) more than they can understand the idea of volume conservation


Which of the following scenes in the Sword Village Section made MrHigashi almost cry?


