Which Hawaiian monarch attempted to throw out the Bayonet Constitution?
Queen Lili’uokalani
What development, built under Theodore Roosevelt, made it easier to transport goods to the East and West Coast?
Panama Canal
What is the significance of the Treaty of Paris?
Ended the Spanish-American War
What is jingoism? How does it relate to imperialism?
belief that one’s country is always right, called for aggressive action against other countries
justification for and result of imperialism
Who were the newspaper editors that used yellow journalism to report on the events which led to the Spanish-American War?
Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst
Where did the first battle of the Spanish-American War take place?
The Philippines
What did the Foraker Act do?
gave Puerto Rico limited self-rule and its people U.S. citizenship
What does "A Splendid Little War" refer to?
Spanish-American War
Who were the Boxers? What did they do?
a paramilitary group that began attacking Westerners in China
Where did the Monroe Doctrine say European colonization was not welcome?
Western Hemisphere
What is Moral Diplomacy?
US should champion democracy around the globe and help maintain world peace
What is imperialism?
process of building an empire by founding colonies or conquering other nations - one nation’s influence over another
What is Alfred Thayer Mahan known for?
national prosperity and power depended on control of the world's sea-lanes - "Whoever rules the waves, rules the world"
Give at least three reasons why the US shifted to imperialism.
US Population Growth
European Imperialism
International Accords
American economy was dependent on foreign trade
White Man’s Burden
Alfred Thayer Mahan
What document built off of the Monroe Doctrine? What did it do?
Roosevelt Corollary, said the US was willing to use force to ensure the Monroe Doctrine was followed
What is the significance of "Remember the Maine?"
Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?
a Filipino rebel leader who assisted the US in the Spanish-American War
What Spanish colonies did the US take over following the Spanish-American War? (4 total)
Wake Island, Puerto Rico, The Philippines, Guam
What did the Bayonet Constitution do?
gave voting rights to white Americans in Hawaii, limited the power of the native monarchy
What is the White Man's Burden? Provide an example of it in action. (Will go around, each team can get 200 points for an example)
idea that the United States had a special mission to uplift "backward" people around the world
ex.: Spanish-American War, Roosevelt Corollary, Philippine-American War, Platt Amendment, Foraker Act, Moral Diplomacy