Writing Skill
Reading Skill
Application of Writing Skill
Application of Reading skill

How would you use the word candor to describe something?

Open or blunt


What are things to take into consideration when writing an essay or text?

Tone, word choice, style, audience, and purpose. 


What is the difference between an implicit central idea and an explicit central idea? 

An implicit story idea is guessed. While an explicit story idea is out in your face.


If something is pervasive, how would you explain it?

existing or spreading throughout something. A pervasive smell would go through fabric.


What is the difference between a connotation and a denotation?

A connotation has an implicit, or assumed meaning and a denotation is explicit and explained.


What is the difference between ethos, pathos, and logos?

Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader. Pathos is an appeal to emotion and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. Logos is an appeal to logic and is a way of persuading an audience by reason.


If a word has the prefix counter what would it mean? 

Contrary or against the word that comes behind it.


What is a comma splice?

A comma splice is an error in which independent clauses are joined together with only a comma between them.

what is an antithesis? 

Antithesis (Greek for “setting opposite”) means “a contrast or opposite.” For example, when something or someone is the opposite of another thing or person. As a rhetorical device, antithesis pairs exact opposite or contrasting ideas in a parallel grammatical structure.


What does the word incumbency mean? 

Incumbency is the  state of currently occupying an office


Why should you have a concession in your counterclaim?

you should have a concession in your counterclaim to acknowledge the validity of another's claim.


What is Parallelism?

Parallelism means using the same structure in two or more parts of a sentence or list. This rhetorical feature helps organize lengthy lists, draws the reader’s attention to key sections of the text, and creates rhythm within the text. Authors often use parallelism to showcase their most important points. To find parallelism, look for sentences organized into a list structure or with the same phrase repeating several times.


What does the word misnomer mean?

A misnomer is an incorrect term used to describe or designate something


What are the four types of evidence you should use in your paper?

  • recent (if applicable)
  • relevant to your topic
  • unbiased
  • sufficient

what is Diction ?

Diction is also called word choice. The author chooses each word in a document or speech, so in a small way, each word shows the author’s purpose. Sometimes, authors purposefully use loaded language or language with strong emotional associations. They may want these words to send a secondary message to their audience.