Rationales of Imperialism
Vocabulary Pt. 2
Partitioning of Africa & Asia
State Expansion
Political Cartoons

A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

What is imperialism?


An ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and believes that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests.

What is nationalism?


The process by which cities grow as more people move from rural areas to live in them.

What is urbanization?


The meeting between European powers to decide which leaders got to colonize certain parts of Africa.

What is the Berlin Conference?


This method of expansion involved armed conflict between states.

What is warfare?


Name the historical event represented in this image.

What is the Scramble for Africa?


This term describes various resistance movements directed against colonial and imperial powers.

What is anti-colonialism?


The rivalry between countries to strengthen their economies.

What is economic competition?


Colonies formed by Europeans in order to replace the former population with settlers.

What are settlers colonies?


This agreement helped Britain to obtain rights of Hong Kong and allowed the British to trade within China and other parts of Asia. The agreement was created in 1842 after the first Opium War.

What is The Treaty of Nanking?


This country was looking for new land to create settlements on and was often competing with France to gain more land. The key factors that led to this country's colonization of South Asia included economic interests, political power, and cultural superiority. They later took control of India in 1858.

What is Britain?


The political cartoon below represents this motive of imperialism.

What is the economic gain/growth?


Two conflicts between China and industrialized Britain from 1839 to 1860 that were caused by China banning the trade of opium.

What are the Opium Wars?


The process of a society transitioning from agriculturalism to industry and manufacturing.

What is industrialization?



The ship canal in northeastern Egypt that links the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the Suez Canal?


The African state that kept its independence through the Partitioning of Africa.

What is Ethiopia?


True or False:

The influence of the Spanish and Portuguese declined from 1750-1900CE.



The political cartoon below represents this country's rule over the helpless Congolese people.

What is Belgium?


Areas in which countries have some economic control but do not govern directly.

What are spheres of influence?


The process of changing one's religious beliefs or affiliation.

What is religious conversion?


The resource from trees found in parts of Africa that was a major player in early 1900s industrialization.

What is rubber?


The leader who owned the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 1885 to 1908 and exploited the natives to extract raw materials such as rubber, palm oil, gold, copper, and diamonds.

Who is King Leopold II?


Europeans colonized this large country to help stabilize their economy, a method known as economic imperialism.

What is China?


This racial justification for Western imperialism is represented in the cartoons (and is also a poem).

What is the White Man's Burden?


A violent uprising of Indian soldiers against British colonial rule due to the mistreatment of the soldiers in 1857.

What is the Sepoy Mutiny?

The idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better.

What is Social Darwinism?


The largest and most impressive trading company founded in the Netherlands which had a massive monopoly on the Spice Trade.

What is the Dutch East India Company?


The period of direct control over the subcontinent of India and Pakistan by the British from 1858-1947. The British heavily exploited the native resources and people.

What is the British Raj?


This type of settlement was used to exile prisoners and separate them from the general population. An example of this used by the British was Australia.

What is a penal colony?


This country is represented by the man with a fireman.

What is Japan?