These are single-celled organisms that are found all around us (and in us), that do not have organelles or a nucleus as animal cells do
What are bacteria?
This is the definition of a virus
What is a nonliving structure that can cause disease and is only composed of DNA and RNA.
This is the way you can contract influenza
What is through the air and through mucus membranes such as your eyes.
These are the qualifications necessary to become a registered nurse.
What is -graduation from a nursing program at a college or university -pass a national licensing exam. -become a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or licensed vocational nurse (LVN)
A substance produced by or derived from a microorganism and able to inhibit or kill another microorganism.
What is an antibiotic?
These are the ways that bacteria differ from animal cells
What is Bacteria lack: a nucleus, and other membrane-bound organisms (except ribosomes) Bacteria have: pili, flagella, and a capsule
This is what a virus is composed of
What is a protein coat and nucleic acids?
These are the symptoms of influenza
What are 1.Weakness 2.Headache 3.Fever 4.Nausea 5.Joint and muscle pain 5.Lungs filled with bloody fluid
This occupation focuses on the study of microbes, which can take the form of bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
What is a microbiologist?
cell on or in which smaller organisms or viruses live, feed, and reproduce
What is a host cell?
These are the three common shapes of bacteria
What are rods, spheres, and spirals
These are ways viruses differ from bacteria
What is viruses 1. Cannot be treated by antibiotics 2. Are non-living and require a living host to reproduce 3. Smaller than bacteria
This is an outbreak that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population.
What is a pandemic?
Describe a medical laboratory technician
What is a healthcare professional who performs chemical, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, and bacteriological diagnostic analyses on body fluids such as blood, urine, sputum, stool, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, and synovial fluid, as well as other specimens
The introduction of microorganisms that have been previously treated to make them harmless, into humans or domestic animals for the purpose of inducing the development of immunity.
What is vaccination?
These are two ways bacteria can cause harm
What is by 1.Secreting toxins 2.Triggering a response in the immune system
This is how viruses reproduce
First a virus seeks out a host. It then implants its genetic makeup into the host's cell. As the host cell reproduces, its replicates the genetic makeup of the virus. This continues until stopped by the host's immune system or until the host dies.
This is the year discussed in class that 20-40 million people were killed worldwide because of the flu.
What is 1918?
These are the duties a biochemical engineer perform.
What is develop usable, tangible products, using knowledge of biology, chemistry, or engineering. Solve problems related to materials, systems, or processes that interact with humans, plants, animals, microorganisms, or biological materials.
A term to describe an infectious disease communicable by contact with one who has it, a bodily discharge of one infected, or with an object touched by such a patient.
What is contagious?
Describe the factors that distinguish gram-positive bacteria from gram-negative bacteria
What is that the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria have a higher peptidoglycan, and lower lipid content than gram-negative bacteria
These are ways you can prevent contracting a viral illness
Answers will vary
This type of virus can result in influenza
What are RNA viruses.
This describes an epidemiologist
What is a medical scientist who studies the transmission and control of epidemic diseases
the protein shell that encloses a viral genome
What is a capsid?