What is the 7th number in the pattern?
3 , 6 , 9 , ___ , ___ , 18
799 x 5
800 x 5 = 4,000!
5 x 37
726 divided by 6
Sally has 45 apples
Jack has 132 apples
Mark has 9,823 apples
Jenn has 1,254 apples
How many more apples does Mark have than Sally?
9,823 - 45 = 9,778 more apples!
Taylor Swift is ____ years old!
Describe the pattern...
4, 7, 10, 13...
start with 4 and add three each time!
901 x 7
900 x 7 = 6,300!
4 x 293
405 divided by 9
Sally has 45 apples
Jack has 132 apples
Mark has 9,823 apples
Jenn has 1,254 apples
A store wants all of Jack's apples. If he brings them the same amount everyday for a week, how many apples does he give to the store?
132 x 7 = 924 apples!
This is Mr. Crowley's favorite soda...
Ginger Ale!
What comes next in the pattern...
5, 10, 6, 11, 7, 12, __
Starting with 5, add 5, then take away 4!
205 x 11
200 x 10 = 2,000!
23 x 38
623 divided by 7
Sally has 45 apples
Jack has 132 apples
Mark has 9,823 apples
Jenn has 1,254 apples
Jenn has to share her apples with 3 friends. How many apples are left over after sharing with her friends fairly?
1,254 divided by 3 would leave no apples left over!
Beyonce is ____ years old...
What is the 100 number in this pattern...
4, 8, 12, 16, 20...
4,045 divided by 10
4,000 divided by 10 = 400!
8 x 8,293
293 divided by 8
Sally has 45 apples
Jack has 132 apples
Mark has 9,823 apples
Jenn has 1,254 apples
Mark and Jenn open a store and sell all of their apples. Each apple costs 2 dollars. How much money did they make?
9,823 + 1,254 = 11,077 apples sold
11,077 x $2 = $22,154
This is the only elementary grade level that Mr. Crowley hasn't taught (not including kindergarten or Pre-K)...
3rd grade!
Build a pattern where the 8th number is 48...
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ 48
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48!
9,824 divided by 20
10,000 divided by 20 = 500!
28 x 629
5,076 divided by 4
Sally has 45 apples
Jack has 132 apples
Mark has 9,823 apples
Jenn has 1,254 apples
Rob steals all of the apples and splits them with his 3 buddies. How many apples does each person get?
45 + 132 + 9,823 + 1,254 = 2,813 apples with 2 left over!
Patrick Maholmes is ____ years old...