This disease struck the world near the end of World War I and led to a global pandemic.
Spanish Flu
Ford's car that changed the automobile industry forever was the?
Model T
This meeting marked the beginning of the Women's Suffrage Movement.
Seneca Falls Convention
The increase in affordable goods available to Americans was known as the.
Consumer Revolution
These were hidden places in which people could violate the prohibition laws.
Why was there job tension following World War I?
Return of the white, male soldiers led to the loss of jobs for women and African Americans.
List at least 2 industries that benefitted from the growth of the automobile industry.
Answers Vary
This document (modeled after the Declaration of Independence) outlined the rights that women were hoping to gain.
The Declaration of Sentiments
During the 1920's the rise of the stock market could be described as...
A bull market
This Chicago gang leader was known for selling alcohol and the violent acts that he orchestrated.
Al Capone
The increased social tension in the United States led to this racial conflict.
Tulsa Race Riots
Ford used these two manufacturing techniques to increase the efficiency of his automobile production.
Mass Production and Assembly Lines
The 19th Amendment did what?
Gave women the right to vote.
Americans were able to afford items they could not previously with this new way of purchasing...
Installment Buying/Credit
The 18th Amendment did what?
Banned the production/sale of alcohol
What does it mean to be a creditor nation?
Other countries owed the US money.
How did the automobile change where people could live?
It allowed people to move out of the cities and still be able to commute to their job or services in the cities.
How did Ida B. Wells contribute to the women's suffrage movement?
Journalist who spoke out for women, leader of the Alpha Suffrage League
Name the two lawyers who participated in the Scopes Monkey Trial
Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan
John Scopes was put on trial for what?
Teaching evolution, violating the Butler Act