Andrew Jackson
Native Americans
Manifest Destiny
The Land We Got
Immigration Station


This cartoon illustrates what truth about Jackson's presidency?

His opponents thought that he abused his executive powers.


The Indian Removal Act resulted in the forced migration of thousands of Native Americans. What was this journey called?

Trail of Tears


When was the Louisiana Purchase made and who was it purchased from?

1803, France


What characteristics were shared by the Irish workers and Chinese laborers?

They were poorly paid and helped build railroads


What characteristic was shared by the Irish workers who helped build the Erie Canal and the Chinese laborers who helped construct the Transcontinental Railroad?

They were poorly paid for their difficult work of building transportation routes


Which of these headlines best illustrates the spoils system in American politics?

* “Mayor Meets with Local Groups to Hear Concerns”

* “Congressman Retires after 30 Years in Office”

* “Senate to Vote on President’s Supreme Court            Choice”

* “President Appoints Longtime Supporter as Foreign Ambassador”

“President Appoints Longtime Supporter as Foreign Ambassador”


What was a major reason for the federal government’s involvement in the relocations of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole?

to acquire valuable agricultural land and natural resources


*Rapid Population Growth

*Economic Depressions

*The prospect of inexpensive land

*Foreign trade opportunities


During the 1840s the factors listed above contributed to widespread support for ___________

Manifest Destiny


The name of the land the United States acquired after the U.S. Mexican War as stated in the Treaty o Guadalupe Hidalgo. 

Mexican Cession


*B'nai B'rith, a Jewish service organization

*Grimm Brothers' fairy tales


*Meat curing and sausage making

*Polka Music


Which group was responsible for these contributions to American culture? 



How did the the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 affect Jackson’s political career?

His reputation as a military hero made him very popular in America.


*Gold was discovered on Cherokee land.

*Georgia annexed Cherokee land and abolished the Cherokee government and its laws.

*The Cherokees refused to move from their land.

__________________________________________ One attempt to resolve this issue without violence involved which action?

The Cherokee Nation challenged Georgia’s anti-Cherokee laws before the U.S. Supreme Court.


Why did the economies of western territories develop so differently from the economies of Northeast and South?

Western territories had inexpensive land and abundant natural resources.


The Compromise of 1850 allowed certain territories to use popular sovereignty to determine whether the territory would be free or slave.  This decision applied to much of the land gained from the -  

Mexican War.


In the 1840s, thousands of Irish immigrants came to the United States seeking to escape - 

A famine caused by the failure of a staple food crop


A lasting result of Jackson's defeat in the 1824 presidential election was:

Jackson and his followers founded the Democratic Party


It will relieve the whole state of Mississippi and the western part of Alabama of Indian occupancy, and enable those States to advance rapidly in population, wealth, and power...

What a good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged by a few thousand savages to our extensive Republic, studded with cities, towns, and prosperous farms...? 

These quotes from this speech about the Indian Removal Act illustrate Jackson’s belief that:

A. the Cherokees and other tribes should adopt the white culture and lifestyle

B. the Native presence was interfering with U.S. growth and expansion

C. the Native tribes would be more successful and happy living in the West

D. industry and manufacturing were the keys to U.S. economic prosperity

B. the Native presence was interfering with U.S. growth and expansion


Resolved, that our title of the whole of the Territory of Oregon is clear and unquestionable; that no portion of the same ought to be ceded to England or any other power, and that re-occupation of Oregon and the re-annexation of Texas at the earliest practicable period are great American measures, which this Convention recommends to the cordial support of the Democracy of the Union. 

Democratic Party Platform of 1844 

This excerpt provides evidence that in 1844 Democrats supported - 

A. federal financing of transportation systems in the West

B. making Manifest Destiny an official federal policy

C. Social Darwinism as a justification for expansion

D. prohibiting the expansion of slavery into new areas of the United States

B. making Manifest Destiny an official federal policy


*Texas Revolution, Cotton Cultivation, U.S. Statehood, 1845

*Bear Flag Revolt, Gold Mining, U.S. Statehood, 1850

How would you describe the items listed above?

A. Former Mexican Territory


Which pull factor accounted for much of Chinese immigration to the United States in the mid-1800s?

An economic boom in the West


What factor explains the large increase in voters between the election of 1824 and 1828?

Many states had put an end to property qualifications, increasing the number white male voters.


The acts of the Legislature of Georgia interfere forcibly with the relations established between the United States and the Cherokee Nation, the regulation of which, according to the settled principles of our Constitution, is committed exclusively to the Government of the Union.

                                    Worcester v. Georgia, 1832 

According to the quote above, what was the Supreme Court’s decision in this case?

Only the federal government had the authority to manage Native lands.


U.S. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis had sent Gadsden to negotiate with Santa Anna for the land. Davis valued it, as others did, as the perfect tract for the construction of the southern transcontinental railroad. The railroad line would connect western territories to the east and north, greatly increasing the accessibility of these new lands. 

According to the excerpt above, the Gadsden Purchase was intended to - 

A. support development of the U.S. territory gained through the U.S. - Mexican War

B. encourage commerce among U.S. states formed from the Louisiana Purchase

C. allow the United States and Mexico to share railroad construction costs

D. encourage the sale of U.S. government land in Florida

A. support development of the U.S. territory gained through the U.S. - Mexican War


What was a term of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The Rio Grande was set as the border between Mexico and the United States


Why did the Mormon's migrate to Utah?

To escape persecution