DNA Fingerpritning
Genetically Modified Organisms
Gene therapy and Genome
Stem Cells
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This type of DNA fingerprinting can be used by Maury Povich. You are NOT the father. 

What is partial match or paternity testing?


True or false. All GMOs are bad. 

What is false?


The human genome is approximately this many base pairs large. 

What is 6.7 billion base pairs (6.7 gigabases)? 


Stem cells are unique because they have this quality.

What is undifferentiated (nonspecialized)?


The name of a subunit of any macromolecule. 

What is a monomer?

Smaller DNA bands move to the bottom of the gel faster because they can move through the holes more quickly, but all bands will move down the gel because that where the positive electrode is, and DNA carries this charge. 

What is a negative charge?


GMOs have had this changed about them.

What are their genes (DNA)?


One way of delivering gene therapy is by using this non-living vector. 

What is a virus (viral gene therapy)?


These types of stem cells can only turn into a small number of other cell types (Example: hematopoetic cells in bone marrow).

What are adult stem cells?


The formula for photosynthesis.

What is 6CO2  + 6H2O + Sunlight -> C6H12O6 + 6O2?


The match to the bloodstain in this DNA Fingerprint.

Who is suspect 3?


One potential side effect from GMOs could be this, caused by an anaphylactic reaction to an allergen.

What is an allergic reaction?


The location of a gene is called this.

What is a locus?


These types of stem cells can become any cell, but research involving them has been outlawed due to their controversial source. 

What are embryonic stem cells?


The job of these molecules is to speed up chemical reaction. 

What are enzymes?


This molecule helps to cut the DNA into pieces, but only does so at very specific sequences. 

What is a restriction enzyme?


One way of creating a genetically modified organism is by using this, a small piece of circular DNA readily absorbed and incorporated into bacterial genomes. 

What is a plasmid?


The Human Genome Project was an endeavor to map all the genes on all 46 human chromosomes, and it took this many years to complete. 

What is 13?


Stem cells may be able to help with this type of medical procedure, because when grown from your own stem cells, it won't cause an immune reaction (Graft versus Host).

What is an organ transplant?


Asexual reproduction in eukaryotes. 

What is mitosis?


The man paying child support in this DNA fingerprint.

Who's baby daddy #3?


Golden rice has been genetically modified to produce a precursor of this vitamin, a feat not possible without genetic engineering. 

What is vitamin A?


A condition characterized by fault potassium pumps and mucus retention, this disease is a good candidate for gene therapy because of its single point mutation change from the healthy gene to the diseased one. 

What is cystic fibrosis?


Stem cells from humans that were once differentiated, but have since reverted back to stem cells due to a "chemical cocktail."

What are induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)?


The phase in meiosis during which crossing over can occur.

What is prophase I?