Graphs and Comparison Stories
Number Stories
Two-Step Number Stories
Rounding and Expanded Form
Adding/ Subtracting Number Line or Base 10

How many more blue balloons than orange balloons?

3 balloons


At a water park, the Small Slide is 32 feet high. The Tall Slide is 51 feet high. How much shorter is the Small Slide than the Tall Slide?
Use number model(s)

51 - 32 = ? 

32 + ? = 41

? = 19 feet shorter


Max has 7 pairs of shoes. Then Max got 4 more pairs. He gave me 3 pairs of shoes. How many does he have now?

Number model

7 + 4 = 11   11-3=8

7 + 4 - 3 = 8 pairs of shoes


Round 23 to the nearest ten

20; 3 is less than 5 so we round down


Use a number line or base ten to show and solve:

14 + 17 = ? 



Fish A is 14 inches long. Fish B is 6 inches long. How many inches longer is Fish A than Fish B? Use a number model to help you.

8 inches

Fish H is 15 inches longer than Fish D. If Fish D is 17 inches long, how long is Fish H?

17 + 15 = 32 inches long


I had $17. I lost $5 on the way to school. I then found $8 in my car on the way home. How much money do I have now? 

17 - 5 = 12, 12 + 8 = 20

17 - 5 + 8 = $20


Round 48 to the nearest ten

50; 8 is greater than 5 so we round up


Use a number line or base ten to show and solve:

48 - 23 = ?



How many students cycle to school?

5 students


Fish E is 29 feet long. Fish F is 12 feet shorter. How long is Fish F?

29 - 12= 17 feet long


Jennifer started with 17 cards. Amy found 9 and gave them to Jennifer. But, Jennifer felt bad so she gave Amy 2. How many cards does Jennifer have now?

 Number model

17 + 9 = 26  26-2=24

17 + 9 - 2 = 24 cards


What is 569 in expanded form?

500 + 60 + 9


Use a number line or base ten to show and solve:

37 + ? = 52



How many total Tulips and Roses in the garden? Write the number model with the answer. 

6 (tulips) + 3 (roses) = 9 flowers


Sue had 43 marbles. She gave 12 to Joan. How many marbles does Sue have left? 

Use number model(s) 

43-12= ?

12 + ? = 43

? = 31 marbles left


John received 24 valentines from his class. A teacher added 5 more to his valentine bag. By the end of the day, he ended up eating 8! How many valentines is he going home with?

number model

24 + 5 = 29.  29-8 = 21

24 + 5 - 8 = 21 valentines


Round 85 to the nearest ten

90; 5 = 5 so we round up


Use a number line or base ten to show and solve:

53 - ? = 36



A toothbrush costs $21. Toothpaste costs $13 less than the toothbrush. How much does the toothpaste cost? Use a number model to help you.

$21-$13= $8


Peter had 23 marshmallows. He ate 11 of the marshmallows. How many marshmallows does he have left?

23 - 11 = 12 marshmallows


Luke started with 14 sticks. On his way to school he found 4 more sticks. On his way back home he found 6 more. How many sticks does he have at the end of the day?

14 + 4 = 18, 18 + 6 = 24

14 + 4 + 6 = 24 sticks


What is 4310 in expanded form?

4000 + 300 + 10 + 0


Use a number line or base ten to show and solve:

33 - 17 = ?