Prefixes & Suffixes
Borders & Boundaries
Political Parties

What does the prefix "liber-" mean?

"Free" or "freedom"


Explain what a monarchy is.

A form of government where a single ruler, usually a king or queen, holds supreme authority & power over the state.


Explain what a political border is.

The lines or boundaries that separate one political entity, such as a country, from another. They are established by gov’ts through treaties, agreements, or historical processes & serve to mark the authority of a particular gov’t over a specific geographic area.


Explain what a political party is.

A group of individuals with common political goals & ideologies who organize to hold power & influence government policies.





What does the prefix "demos-" mean?

"People" or "population"


Explain the difference between politics & geopolitics.

Politics refers to the internal governance and decision-making within a country, focusing on policies, laws, & power dynamics. Geopolitics analyzes how geographical factors influence international relations, including territorial disputes, resource distribution, & strategic interests among countries.


Lines of latitude, longitude, the Prime Meridian, and the Equator are all examples of ___________ borders (we discussed this in class!).



Explain what the platform / program of a political party is.

The set of principles, policies, & objectives that a political party or candidate stands for or represents.


During the World Cup, a fan passionately cheers for their national team, proudly waving flags & wearing team colors. Their unflinching support reflects a passionate loyalty to their country, taking priority over individual player performance & embodying national pride. This is an example of ____________.



What does the prefix "legis-" mean?

"Law" or "legal"


Explain the idea of democracy.

The political idea is that power is vested in the people. In theory, these people have the right to participate in decision-making processes, either directly or through elected representatives.


Explain what cultural borders are.

The boundaries that separate different cultural groups or societies. They can be defined by language, religion, ethnicity, customs, traditions, & other cultural characteristics.


Explain what a political campaign is.

The organized effort by a political party or candidate to win public support & influence voters' decisions, often through advertising, public appearances, & organizing.


Explain what it means for a country to be "sovereign" or to "have sovereignty."

It means that a country has full authority and independence over its own affairs without interference from other countries. Sovereignty includes the ability to make decisions, enforce laws, & control resources within its borders without outside pressure.


What does the suffix "-polis" mean?

"City" or "city-state"


The European Union (EU) & United Nations (UN) are examples of Supranational Organizations. Briefly explain what that means.

It means that these are groups or associations of countries that work together to achieve common goals or objectives.


Explain what physical borders are.

Natural features that serve as boundaries between regions or countries (e.g. rivers, mountain ranges, deserts, or oceans). These borders are formed by the physical geography of the Earth & may provide natural barriers that influence human activities & the movement of people, goods, & ideas.


Explain what political ideology is.

A system of beliefs, values, & principles that guides an individual or group's political thought & actions. This usually ends in an “ism” (liberalism, conservatism, Marxism, fascism, etc.).


Explain the idea of political "representation."

The act of representing the interests & concerns of a particular group or constituency in government, often through elected officials or representatives.


What does the suffix "-cracy" mean?

"To rule" or "government"


Explain what imperialism is.

The export of capital to exploit foreign resources & markets. The division of the world among powerful capitalist nations through colonization & aggression.


Explain the difference between an enclave & an exclave (think of my examples in class).

An exclave is a portion of a territory or geographic area that is entirely separated from the main part of the territory to which it belongs by the territory of one or more other states. An enclave is a territory or geographic area that is entirely surrounded by the territory of another state.

How might someone become a leader of a political party?

Dedication to the party, consistent support for the party's ideology & decisions, promotion of the party's public image, financial assistance to the party, etc.


The Korean border qualifies as a physical, cultural, & political border. Explain why for each of these 3 types.

Political - Separates North Korean & South Korean gov'ts

Physical - Heavily fortified border wall with an extensive security apparatus across the peninsula.

Cultural - Separation since the war has led to greatly different social values such as relations with Western countries, economic values, & even some language variations.