What is an intervention that could be used to internalize an externality?
Per-unit pigouvian tax/subsidy
What characteristics of a private good does this car have? Bonus: what car is this?
Excludable and rivalrous
Why is imperfect competition considered a market failure?
Not allocatively efficient (D ≠ MC)
Based on this lawsuit, was Tesla likely making positive, negative, or normal economic profits?
What type of externality is depicted here?
Negative production
This lighthouse is always on, marking an area of sharp underwater rocks. What characteristics of a public good does it have?
Nonexcludable and nonrivalrous
Governments often use price ceilings coupled with lump sum subsidies to regulate natural monopolies.
What would be a better way to regulate monopolies that are not natural?
Antitrust laws
What type of tax is depicted here?
What type of externality is depicted here?
Positive consumption
The government often provides public goods to society as a free service.
What's a different way that they could improve the allocation of a public good?
Improved property rights to make it a private good
The market graph below depicts an industry controlled by a natural monopoly. What would be a fair return price ceiling?
How would you calculate the Gini coefficient for income inequality in this society?
What area represents the deadweight loss if this market is unregulated?
If unregulated, what price would this natural monopoly charge?
Since 2011, the top 0.1% of households have had more wealth than the bottom 90% put together. Meanwhile, over 47 million Americans are food insecure (cannot afford to feed themselves). What is one intervention the US government could implement to increase equality?
Progressive tax/ transfer payments
What is the dollar value of the per-unit tax or subsidy that should be placed on the good whose market graph is depicted below?
$12 subsidy
Tragedy of the commons
What would be the socially optimal price ceiling for this natural monopoly?
The figure below shows the distribution of livestock among Maasai households in different regions of Kenya and Tanzania. Which region has the most unequal distribution of livestock?