What Greek term is often used to describe the written Torah, meaning "Five books"?
What is the Hebrew name of the seventh day of the week, lasting from Friday evening to Saturday evening, when the Torah says no work may be performed, nor should a person use money, drive, or even write.
Sabbath (or Shabbat)
Beginning in the 19th century, this group began adopting new practices and eliminating beliefs that might have been perceived as superstitious and threatening by non-Jews
Reform Judaism
What is the name of the ceremony where a young man becomes an adult in Judaism?
Bar Mitzvah
What is the term that is used to describe the Hebrew Bible, which is an acronym of the three sections of the scriptures.
What is the name of the following prayer, "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.”
The name of the movement that called for the establishment of a permanent Jewish homeland in the land of Israel.
What is the name of the holiday which marks the Jewish New Year?
Rosh Hashanah
Jews often use the term "Shoah" (meaning catastrophe) to describe this historical event.
Composed of the Mishnah and the Gemara (oral law and commentary), this sacred scripture is considered to be a cornerstone of Jewish knowledge and tradition.
Which Covenant with God was accepted by the Israelites when the Ten Commandments were given, and God promised to make the Israelites a holy nation if they would accept and observe God’s divine laws?
Mosaic Covenant (Covenant with Moses)
Which group formed in response to the Reform movement, and represents a middle ground between Orthodox Judaism and Reform Judaism?
Conservative Judaism
What is the name of the ornamental closet that contains the synagogue's holy scrolls?
Holy Ark
This term refers to the "scattering" of Judaism around the world after the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome in 70AD.
Based on the Hebrew term meaning "to explore," this is the name of a collection of commentaries and interpretations of the Hebrew Bible composed by rabbis over the centuries?
What term used to describe the belief that God is beyond the range of physical human experience and cannot be fully understood
Which group of Judaism most values traditional Jewish laws and customs, and believes Jews are obligated to observe the written law and oral law given to Moses by God.
Orthodox Judaism
Known as the Day of Atonement, this is the holiest of all holidays in the Jewish Calendar...
Yom Kippur
This is the name of a group of 10 or more people (traditionally men) needed for certain prayer services in Judaism.
Which section of the Tanakh would contain the account of the Passover and story of the Exodus?
According to Jewish belief, the Messiah will be a military-political leader descendent from which Biblical king?
King David
What is the name of the ultraorthodox branch of Judaism which maintains a rigid interpretation of Jewish law and discourages involvement in any secular activities, attempting to avoid contact with modern society as much as possible?
Hasidim (or Hasidics)
After a death in a Jewish family there is traditionally a period of mourning that last seven days. What is this period of time called?
What is the name of the the theological or philosophical attempt to answer "the problem of evil"