Prepositional phrases

Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences. 

 I wish I had the same dnammoc of English grammar as you do.



Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first one.

My son celebrates his 18th birthday next March.

My son ... .

My son will be 18 years old next March.


Explain the meaning of the idiom, make your own example sentence with it. Suggest at least one synonym.

Under the weather

If you say that you are under the weather, you mean that you feel slightly ill. I was still feeling a bit under the weather. Synonyms: ill, unwell, poorly [informal], sick

I didn't go to the university because I was feeling under the weather


Underline the correct alternatives and interpret the main idea of the sentence: Running the tap each time we brush our teeth wastes by/on/in/out of average eight litres of water.

on average


Continue a conversation by adding at least one replica.

I heard that the new virus is putting many people at risk.

Yes, unfortunately it is. We need to be careful and follow safety measures.


Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences.

These documents are full of difficult, calfiofi language.

Official language


Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first one.

The committee has scheduled a meeting with the owners.

The committee is ... .

The committee is due to have a meeting with the owners.


Explain the meaning of the idiom, make your own example sentence with it. Suggest at least one synonym.

Over the hill

If you say that someone is over the hill, you are saying rudely that they are old and no longer fit, attractive, or capable of doing useful work. [informal, disapproval]

The manager said that, aged 65, I was over the hill so he fired me.


The number of polar bears has been by/on/in/out of decline for a number of years

In decline


The population of polar bears is in decline due to climate change.  

That's so sad. We need to take action to protect these animals.


Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences.

Native English speakers should count themselves lucky they speak a allbog language.



Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first one.

The government will pass a law prohibiting guns.

The government is ... .


The government is to pass a law prohibiting guns.


Explain the meaning of the idiom, make your own example sentence with it. Suggest at least one synonym.

Off the pace

Behind in a race, competition, etc. The winner finished in 4 minutes, 30 seconds, and the next runner was three seconds off the pace. Плетется в хвосте.

I started the race OK, but soon realized I was off the pace and had to give up.


The new taxation laws mean that at/on/in/out of

 effect many people will actually be poorer

In effect


Unfortunately, the trend of using plastic bags has not gone out of fashion yet.  

We need to continue promoting reusable bags to protect the environment


Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences.

There’s no place for sevenoffi language in the classroom, thank you!

Offensive language


Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first one.

We arrived here in July five years ago.

By July// we'll ...

By July we'll have been living here for 5 years


Explain the meaning of the idiom, make your own example sentence with it. Suggest at least one synonym.

Under oath

 Having legally promised to tell the truth: He was accused of lying under oath.

When you testify in court, remember, you are under oath and cannot lie


If we keep these terrible sales figures by/on/in/out of sight of the boss, we’ll be OK

Out of sight


Be careful when crossing the street, the cars are in danger of hitting you.  

Thanks for the warning, I'll be extra cautious.


Put the letters in italics in the correct order to complete the sentences.

You should dnim oruy gualnage in the interview. You don’t want to make a bad impression.

Mind your language


Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first one.

It's our twentieth anniversary tomorrow.

By tomorrow, we will ...

By tomorrow we will have been married for 20 years.


Explain the meaning of the idiom, make your own example sentence with it. Suggest at least one synonym.

Talking at cross purposes

What does it mean to speak at cross purposes?

If two people or groups are at cross-purposes they do not understand each other because they have different intentions: They're talking at cross-purposes without realizing it.

After ten minutes I realized we were talking at... purposes.


I know you don’t like my cooking, but you can at/on/in/out of least pretend!

At least


I have to work on Saturday, but at least I'll get overtime pay.  

That's true, but you should still try to negotiate for a day off in the future.