theoretical probability
fundamental counting principle
conditional probability
binomial probability

a letter in the word DINOSAUR is randomly selected. what is the probability of selecting a vowel?

What is 1/2?


a state issued license plate normally consists of 3 letters followed by 5 digits from 1-10. how many license plates are possible?

what is 1757600000?


what is the probability of drawing a jack from a standard deck of cards, given that the card is black?

what is 1/13?


a dice is rolled 9 times, what is the probability that it lands on a 2 exactly 4 times? answer the question as a percentage.

what is 3.91%?


a random marble is selected from a bag, there are 12 blue marbles, 7 green marbles, and 5 red marbles. what is the probability of not selecting a blue marble?

what is 1/2?


how many ways can you arrange the letters in the word FRIDAY?

what is 720?


there are 20 people in a swimming team and 17 people in a track team. 6 people are in both. if a random person from these groups is chosen, what is the probability that they are in the swimming team if it is known they are also in track?

what is 6/17?


in a game called probability labs there is a 20% chance of winning the game. if the game is played 20 times, what is the probability of winning exactly 10 times? answer the question as a percent.

what is .20%?


a fair die is rolled 6 times then a random number out of 1-10 is selected. what is the probability of rolling an even number all 6 times and selecting an odd number?

what is 1/128?


7 members in a committee are picked for a president, vice president, and secretary. how many ways can they be arranged to fill these positions?

what is 210?


there are 50 students in a class, 20 boys have a dog but not a cat, 15 have a cat but not a dog, 10 have both, 5 have neither. what is the probability of randomly selecting a student that has a cat if it is known they do not have a dog?

what is 3/10?


a dice is rolled 6 times, what is the probability of getting a 2 at most 2 times? answer the question as a percent.

what is 93.77%?


a bag contains 6 blue marbles, 12 purple marbles, and 3 green marbles. what is the probability of selecting a blue marble and a green marble if the marbles are NOT replaced?

what is 3/70?


How many letter arrangements can you make with the word MISSISSIPPI?

what is 34650?


a number from 1-1000 is selected, what is the probability of selecting a number given that it is a factor of 5?

what is 1/100?


a coin is tossed 10 times, what is the probability of getting heads at least 8 times? answer the question as a percent.

what is approximately 5.38%?


a marble is randomly selected from a bag, there are 7 yellow marbles, 9 green marbles, and 10 red marbles. what is the probability of getting a green marble, a red marble, and the probability of NOT getting a yellow marble if the marbles are NOT replaced?

what is 51/520?


how many ways can you arrange the letters in the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? :) hint* most of the letters are repeated.

what is 1,412,469,529,257,855,275,311?


a number from 1-100000000 is randomly selected, what is the probability a number is even given it is a factor of 2? hint* don't overthink it!

what is 100%?


a dice is rolled 10 times, what is the probability of getting a 7 at least 1 time? answer the question as a percent. 

what is approximately 83.82%?