This characteristic of the Age of Jackson was a congressional act requiring the government to create treaties with native tribes to move them to Indian Territory
What is the Indian Removal Act
In the election of 1824, this individual campaigned for John Quincy Adams in the House of Representatives leading to his victory.
Who is Henry Clay?
This act moved all tribes EAST of the Mississippi WEST of the Mississippi River to Indian Territory.
What is the Indian Removal Act?
This section of the country believed Tariffs benefited industry and encouraged immigration.
What is the north?
This is the place Andrew Jackson sent federal money after the closure of the Bank of the United States.
What are 5 state banks?
This characteristic of the Age of Jackson allowed ALL white men to vote, not just those who owned land.
What is expanded sufferage?
During the Election of 1828, this person was the winner.
Who was Andrew Jackson?
These two items are the reason whites wanted the Indians removed from their Native lands.
What are farmland and gold?
This section of the country believed tariffs would raise the cost of living, were unconstitutional, and hurt the plantation economy.
What is the south?
These are the reasons Andrew Jackson did not renew the charter of the bank.
What is he thought it was unconstitutional and favored the rich?
This characteristic of the Age of Jackson resulted in the collapse of the Second Bank of the United States and eventually the Panic of 1837 but did get Jackson reelected.
What is the Bank War?
What was the name of the new political party that was formed because of the election of 1828?
What is the Democratic Party?
This is the state where the Cherokee and other tribes were relocated as a result of the Indian Removal Act.
What is Oklahoma?
This state threatened to secede from the United States due to the Tariff of Abominations.
What is South Carolina?
This is the party started after The Bank War.
What is the Whig Party?
This characteristic of the Age of Jackson had South Carolina threatening to secede from the United States if the Tariff of Abominations wasn't removed.
Expanded suffrage led to this in the election of 1828.
What is increased voter participation?
This is the journey that took the lives of over 4000 Cherokee and other Natives as a result of the Indian Removal Act.
What is the Trail of Tears?
This is one way Southern slavery affected Northern industry and manufacturing
What is more raw materials?
This is the reason the Whig party was started.
What is they thought Jackson was a tyrant?
This characteristic of the Age of Jackson was a Supreme Court decision that stated that states do not have the power to make laws over Native Nations. Jackson responded by ignoring the decision.
What is Worcester v. Georgia?
This system started by Jackson after the election of 1828 gave government appointments to his friends and supporters.
What is the spoils system?
Jackson responded to this court decision with the quote "John Marshall made this ruling, let him enforce it."
What is Worcester v. Georgia?
This is why most southerners objected to the Tariff of Abominations.
What is they lost money?
This is one individual responsible for starting the Whig party.