The Red Scare
Cold War Presidents
Cold War Geography
The Surrogate Wars
Social Impacts
McCarthyism and the Red Scare illustrated a fear of
What is communism?
This president provided aid to Greece and Turkey in hopes of protecting them from the spread of communism
Who is Harry S. Truman?
This country was split at the 38th parallel
What is Korea?
This "war" marked the first time the U.S. used military force to oppose aggression
What is the Korean War?
Satellite launched by the Soviet Union
What is Sputnik I?
This Senator led the charge on "weeding" out suspected communists in the U.S. government
Who is Joseph McCarthy?
This president developed the term "vietnamization" and began pulling out troops from Vietnam in 1969.
Who is Richard Nixon?
This country was split at the 17th parallel
What is Vietnam?
This general was in command of the Korean War
Who is Douglas MacArthur?
Social impact of the Sputnik satellite
What is an increased push for math and science in education?
The only reason the U.S. got involved in Korea and Vietnam was to
What is contain communism?
This president developed the "domino theory" and used this to justify moving troops into Southeast Asia.
Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower?
These countries used aid from the U.S. to combat communism after WWII
What is Greece and Turkey?
The United States became involved in the Korean War and Vietnam War to
What is contain communism?
A protest gone wrong where 4 students were killed and 9 were injured.
What is Kent State Massacre?
The organization in charge of investigating suspected communists
What is the House Un-American Activities Committee?
This president implemented the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving him war making capabilities in Vietnam.
Who is Lyndon B. Johnson?
"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow."
What is Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech?
An outcome of the Korean War was
What is South Korea remained non-communist, North Korea remained communist
Red Scare and McCarthyism
What is American citizens were suspected of being communist and investigated for subversive activities; witch hunt?
List three effects of the "hunt" for communists in the U.S. government
What are careers and lives were ruined, civil liberties and rights were violated, mass hysteria, distrust in the government, surrogate wars, espionage, etc.
List three doctrines enacted during the Cold War and the Presidents who enacted them.
What is Truman Doctrine (Harry Truman), Eisenhower Doctrine (Dwight Eisenhower), Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (LBJ), Vietnamization (Richard Nixon)?
Explain the Domino Theory using the countries it would have affected in Southeast Asia
What is USSR to CHina to North Vietnam to Laos to Thailand to Cambodia to South Vietnam to Malaysia to Singapore to Indonesia to Philippines?
Describe the Tet Offensive and its affect on the U.S.
What is the Tet Offensive was an attack by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnamese new year. The North Vietnamese used the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Technically the North Vietnamese lost the Tet Offensive, but it was a strategic victory because the American public started to lose interest in the war and protests increased.
Provide three examples of how American people protested the Vietnam war
What is propaganda, picketing, burning of draft cards, moving out of the country, suicide, violence, subversion, etc.?