Stages of Dying
Care of a Dying Person
New JOB!!
On the Job
Mrs. Smith has a terminal illness, she prays to God for comfort. She states that if he allows her to live she will make peace with her sister. What stage of dying is Mrs. Smith in?
What is bargaining?
Signs that death is approaching quickly.
What is decreased blood pressure and decreased respirations.
What is considered acceptable forms of identification?
What is driver's liscense and high school diploma.
How much notice should a NA give before leaving a job?
What is two weeks.
Something that causes stress is called a....
What is stressor.
Mr. Dell is a terminally ill patient. He visits with his family and discusses that he is worried about their well-being after he is gone. He also states that he wants to spend as much time with his family as possible. What stage of dying is Mr. Dell in?
What is acceptance.
What entity provides special care that focuses on the dignity and comfort of a dying person.
What is hospice.
References should be from what source?
What is former employers.
Which department maintains the state's nursing assistant registry?
What is the Department of Health.
Examples of stressors are...
What is divorce, marriage, new baby, new job, returning to school, etc.
Anger is a stage of dying? True/False
What is true.
Palliative care includes what services.
What is pain relief and comfort.
For the protection of residents, it is law to check this on all new aids hired.
What is criminal background check.
When completing a continuing education course, what should you keep?
What is original copies of certificates or other proof of attendance.
Ways to manage stress...
What is eat nutritious foods, sleep well, exercise regularly, no smoking, drink in moderation, etc.
Stages of dying may be influenced by what?
What is religious beliefs.
This sense is the last to leave the dying body.
What is hearing.
On an application, a question that you do not answer should be labeled.
What is "N/A"
"You really need to remember ro speak kindly to the residents, even when you're having a hard day." This is an example of what type of criticism?
What is constructive.
Signs that stress is not managed well include...
What is arguing, poor relationships with co-workers, showing anger or abuse to residents, etc.
Ms. White has just been diagnoses with stomach cancer. The doctor informs her that her prognosis is poor and she has six months to live. He then educates her on the need for chemotherapy. She then asks if she will be able to go to the beach over July 4th. What stage of dying is she in?
What is denial.
If a dying residents family approachs an NA and they want to talk, is it acceptable to listen them?
What is yes.
Before going to a job interview what are staple things that should be done?
What is have someone to keep you children, arrive at least 15 minutes early, and dress appropriately.
"I'm sorry you are disappointed." This is a good statement to say when responding to what type of criticism.
What is hostile criticism.
The grade in which you are going to make in this class.
What is an A.