Psychodynamic theories
humanistic theories
social cognitive theories
Sigmund freud believed three systems interact to form personality. What are those 3 systems?



what is the humanistic theory focused on?

the way people strive for self-determination and self-realization (personal freedom and personal fulfillment)

  1. The term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are viewed as threatening or challenging is ____________.

    1. Stress

    2. Stressors 

    3. Uncontrollably 

    4. Pressures

1. stress


who proposed the social-cognitive theory of personality?

Albert Bandura

  1. Trying to decide on taking a trip to New Zealand, which would be very enjoyable but would severely limit the amount of money you would have to spend on other items, is an example of a(n) ____________.

    1. approach -approach conflict 

    2. Approach-avoidance conflict

    3. avoidance - avoidance conflict 

    4. Multiple approach-avoidance conflict 

2. approach-avoidance conflict 


What is the definition of the psychodynamic theory?

Modern-day approaches that view personality with a focus on the unconscious and the importance of childhood experiences


who created the hierarchy of needs?

Abraham Maslow

The general adaptation syndrome proposed by Hans Selye describes how we respond to stress with regard to our ___________

  1. Psychological reactions

  2. Emotional reactions

  3. Social reactions

  4. Physical reactions

4. physical reactions 


what is the social-cognitive perspective

it views behavior as influenced by the interaction between people's traits and their social context.

  1. A woman who had an unpleasant confrontation with her boss then goes home and yells at the dog would be displaying ___________.

    1. Pressure

    2. Projection

    3. Overload

    4. Displaced aggression 

4. displaced aggression


is projection a real thing?

yes. people tend to see their weaknesses and attitudes in others


In order for an individual to be responsible for their self-growth and change, what are the 3 conditions they must meet and understand about themselves?

1. Genuineness 

2. acceptance'

3. empathy 

  1. Which component of hunger is most likely contributing to the fact that sometimes a person who has just had a late breakfast will still feel hungry at noon?

    1. Social 

    2. Behavioral 

    3. Physiological 

    4. Intrinsic 

1. social


what is learned helplessness

When an individual continuously faces a negative, uncontrollable situation and stops trying to change their circumstances. 

"what's the point" mentality

  1. In the classic study of emotion conducted by Schachter and Singer, after receiving a dose of endorphins, the subjects placed in the room with the angry man reported feeling ________.

    1. Angry

    2. Happy

    3. Both angry and happy

    4. Fear

1. angry


what are the two tests used within the psychodynamic theories?

Rorschach inkblot test & Thematic appreciation test 


what is the biggest criticism of the humanistic theory?

research has shown that people who focus beyond themselves are most likely to experience social support, to enjoy life, and to cope effectively with stress
  1. Which brain structures plays an important role in the experience of emotion, especially the experience of fear?

    1. Cingulate gyrus

    2. Amygdala 

    3. Cerebellum 

    4. Pons

2. amydala


What is the spotlight effect?

People tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are


David McClelland proposed three psychological needs that drive behavior. These are:

  1. Need for achievement, affiliation, and power

  2. intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and social motivation

  3. Drive-reduction, need fulfillment, and instinctive action

  4. Community, agency, and industriousness

1. need for achievement, affiliation and power


what is the difference of the inferiority and superiority complexes?

Inferiority has a low self-esteem and feelings of helplessness from being unable to overcome inferiority feelings whereas, superiority is the exaggerated opinion of one's abilities and accomplishments caused by overcompensation for inferiority feelings. 

  1. Claudio volunteers his time in the emergency room at his local hospital. Although he does not get paid for his time, he does expect that being able to list this volunteer work on his resume will help him get into the nursing program he wants to attend.  _____________ best explains Claudio’s reasons for volunteering his time. 

    1. Drive theory

    2. Intrinsic motivation

    3. Extrinsic motivation

    4. A need for power

extrinsic motivation

what is self-efficacy?

one's sense of competence and effectiveness; an individual's confidence in their ability to complete as task or achieve a goal

  1. The Yerkes-Dodson law links ________ with _____________.

    1. Performance; needs

    2. Motivation; needs

    3. Arousal; performance

    4. Arousal; motivation

arousal, performance