Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
This was the prominent former slave, orator, and abolitionist who lectured widely throughout the North to end slavery.
Who was Frederick Douglass?
This was the between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory.
What was the Mexican-American War?
This agreement admitted California as a free state, opened New Mexico and Utah to popular sovereignty, ended the slave trade (but not slavery itself) in Washington D.C., and introduced a more stringent fugitive slave law. Widely opposed in both the North and South, it did little to settle the escalating dispute over slavery.
What is the Compromise of 1850?
Government established after seven Southern states seceded from the Union. Later joined by four more states from the Upper South.
What is the Confederate States of America?
He was the first president of the United States.
Who was George Washington?
This is name of the symbolic border between free states and slave states, originally the southern border of Pennsylvania.
What is the Mason-Dixon line?
This person was elected Vice President and became the 10th President of the United States when William Henry Harrison died. He was responsible for annexation of Mexico after receiving mandate from Polk, opposed many parts of the Whig program for economic recovery.
Who was John Tyler?
This agreement acquired additional land from Mexico for $10 million to facilitate the construction of a southern transcontinental railroad.
What is the Gadsden Purchase?
This is the Supreme Court decision that extended federal protection to slavery by ruling that Congress did not have the power to prohibit slavery in any territory. Also declared that slaves, as property, were not citizens of the United States.
What is Dred Scott v. Sandford?
He was the second president of the United States.
Who was John Adams?
This was the abolitionist organization co-founded by William Lloyd Garrison in 1833.
What was the American Anti-Slavery Society?
This is the treaty that ended the war with Mexico. Mexico agreed to cede territory reaching northwest from Texas to Oregon in exchange for $18.25 million in cash and assumed debts.
What is the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?
Passed as part of the Compromise of 1850, this piece of legislation set high penalties for anyone who aided escaped slaves and compelled all law enforcement officers to participate in retrieving runaways.
What is the Fugitive Slave Act?
This was the federal arsenal in Virginia seized by abolitionist John Brown in 1859. Though Brown was later captured and executed, his raid alarmed Southerners who believed that Northerners shared in Brown's extremism.
What is Harpers Ferry?
He was the president who ushered in an "era of good feelings."
Who was James Monroe?
This is the West-African nation founded in 1822 as a haven for freed blacks, fifteen thousand of whom made their way back across the Atlantic by the 1860s.
What is Liberia?
Series of clashes between American and Canadian lumberjacks in the disputed territory of northern Maine, resolved when a permanent boundary was agreed upon in 1842.
What was the Aroostook War?
This agreement ended Japan's two-hundred year period of economic isolation, establishing an American consulate in Japan and securing American coaling rights in Japanese ports.
What is the Treaty of Kanagawa?
This was the financial crash brought on by gold-fueled inflation, overspeculation and excess grain production. Raised calls in the North for higher tariffs and for free homesteads on western public lands.
What was the Panic of 1857?
He was the president who won election under the cloud of the "corrupt bargain."
Who was John Quincy Adams?
This was the House action that prohibited debate or legislation on antislavery appeals. Driven through the House by pro-slavery Southerners, it passed every year for eight years, eventually overturned with the help of John Quincy Adams.
What was the Gag Resolution?
Diplomatic row between the United States and Britain. Developed after British troops set fire to an American steamer carrying supplies across the Niagara River to Canadian insurgents, during Canada's short-lived insurrection.
What was the Caroline Incident?
Signed by Great Britain and the United States, it provided that the two nations would jointly protect the neutrality of Central America and that neither power would seek to fortify or exclusively control any future isthmian waterway. Later revoked by the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901, which gave the United States control of the Panama Canal.
What is the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty?
This issue was raised during one of the Lincoln-Douglas debates by Abraham Lincoln, who asked whether the Court or the people should decide the future of slavery in the territories.
What is the Freeport Question?
He was the president who attempted to deal with the Panic of 1837.
Who was Martin Van Buren?