What is the holy book of Islam?
What is a caliph?
Leader of Islam
What century did the Golden Age under the Abbasids take place?
9th century
Where is the Kaaba?
What is the Arabic word for God?
Name two similarities between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
All started in Middle East
All monotheistic
All provide ethical codes of conduct
While the Umayyads were ruling, Islam split into what two branches?
Sunni and Shi'ite
What event most contributed to the downfall of the Abbasids?
Siege of Baghdad by the Mongols in the 13th century
What European countries have Arabic influence from the Caliphates?
Spain & Portugal
True or false: Muslims believe Abraham, Jesus, and Muhammad are all prophets.
Why did the religion of Islam split into two sects?
Disputes over who the caliph would be following the death of Muhammad.
Shi'ite: stay within the bloodline of Muhammad
Sunni: should be chosen based on the merit of the individual
What was one main goal of Umayyad expansion?
To spread Islam
How did the Abbasids make trade easier to contribute to their success? Name at least two ways.
Single language established = Arabic
Single currency established = Abbasid dinar
Banks were established = use of Checks
What two kinds of places were most cities on the Arabian peninsula located?
Along the coast or in a desert oasis
What subject did Muslim mathematicians develop?
Why did Muhammad found the religion of Islam?
Believed that revelations from Allah were being given to him by the angel Gabriel
To what extent were the Umayyads tolerant?
Non-Muslims had to pay a tax (jizya) and provide soldiers
Name at least 3 major contributions of the Abbasids.
Arabic numeral system
Preservation of Greco-Roman culture
Achievements in science & math
Achievements in navigation (astrolabe)
What are the two most important cities to the religion of Islam and why are they important?
Mecca (where Muhammad was born) and Medina (where Muhammad journeyed and fled to from Mecca)
Name two characteristics of Bedouin societies.
Nomadic and polytheistic
Name at least 4 of the 5 pillars of Islam.
One God (Allah)
Prayer (5 times a day facing Mecca)
Fast during holy month (Ramadan)
Give alms
Make the Hajj once in their life (from Mecca to Medina)
Name two contributions to the decline of the Umayyad Caliphate.
- People were questioning their authority because they were living lavish lives (not following true Islam)
- discontent of conquered peoples (favored Arabs over non-Arab Muslims)
- Abbasids challenged Umayyads
Describe characteristics of slavery under the Abbasids.
Slaves were usually conquered peoples, they were allowed to marry, and if they converted, their children would be freed.
Why did the Abbasid move the capital from Damascus to Baghdad?
Baghdad was along a caravan trade route and in the fertile crescent, giving it easy access to trade along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
Why did Muhammad have to journey from Mecca to Medina?
Seen as a threat to the authority of the clans within Mecca